English Prose Chapter 2: Nalanda: Ancient Seat of Learning Handwritten Notes
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Bihar Board Class 11th - English Prose Chapter 2: Nalanda: Ancient Seat of Learning Handwritten Notes

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In the realm of Bihar Board Class 11 English literature, the prose chapter "Nalanda: Ancient Seat of Learning" offers a captivating journey through history, shedding light on the prestigious Nalanda University. This chapter unveils the historical significance of Nalanda as a center of education, discussing its grandeur, curriculum, and its impact on the world. Apart from being a fascinating exploration of the past, this chapter holds value from an examination perspective due to its historical insights and cultural importance.

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Chapter Overview:

  • Historical Background: The chapter commences by introducing Nalanda as an ancient university of unparalleled fame. It provides historical context, delving into the establishment and growth of this renowned seat of learning during ancient times.
  • Architectural Grandeur: Readers are transported to the magnificence of Nalanda's architecture and layout. The chapter elaborates on the vast expanse of the university, highlighting its monasteries, libraries, and lecture halls, which made it a symbol of knowledge and enlightenment.
  • Curriculum and Scholars: "Nalanda: Ancient Seat of Learning" explores the wide range of subjects taught at the university, from philosophy and astronomy to medicine and politics. It also introduces readers to some of the eminent scholars and philosophers who graced its halls.

Importance for Examination:

  • Historical Significance: Gain a comprehensive understanding of Nalanda's historical importance as an epicenter of education and culture during ancient times. Familiarize yourself with its role in fostering intellectual growth and facilitating exchange of knowledge.
  • Architectural Details: While preparing for your examination, grasp the architectural layout of Nalanda University, including its monasteries, libraries, and lecture halls. This knowledge can be crucial in understanding its role as a hub of learning.
  • Impact on Society: Analyze the impact of Nalanda University on society, not only in ancient India but also its influence on global academic interactions. Reflect on how its legacy continues to shape our understanding of education and culture.

Important Questions

Ques.1: What is the short summary of Nalanda Ancient Seat of Learning?

Ans.: Nalanda was a renowned center of learning and a Buddhist monastery in the ancient kingdom of Magadha, present-day Bihar, India.Established in the 5th century CE, it became one of the world's earliest universities, drawing students and scholars from across Asia, including China, Korea, and Tibet. Nalanda offered a wide range of subjects, with a focus on Buddhist studies, philosophy, medicine, mathematics, and astronomy. Supported by successive rulers, it became a major hub for Mahayana Buddhism. Unfortunately, it was destroyed in the 12th century by invaders, marking the end of an era in ancient Indian education.

Ques.2: What does Nalanda Symbolise Class 11 English?

Ans.: Nalanda symbolizes India's most glorious ancient period and its rich cultural heritage. It was a famous Buddhist university in the Magadha region of ancient India (present-day Bihar). Nalanda is said to be the world's first residential university, where thousands of students and scholars from across Asia gathered to learn, especially in subjects like Buddhist philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and more. The university's intellectual vibrancy and its role in spreading knowledge make it a significant symbol of India's educational legacy and cultural contributions to the world.

Ques.3: Which state where the ancient seat of learning Nalanda university was established in the 7th century during the Gupta period?

Ans.: Nalanda University was established in the 5th century CE in the state of Bihar, India. It was founded during the Gupta period under the reign of Emperor Kumaragupta I. The 7th century is important because it was during this time that the famous Chinese scholar Xuanzang visited Nalanda, which brought significant attention to the university globally.

Ques.4: Nalanda is associated with multiple great religious teachers, including the Buddha, Mahavira, and Nagarjuna.

Ans.: Nalanda is associated with multiple great religious teachers, including the Buddha, Mahavira, and Nagarjuna.

Ques.5: What are the important points about Nalanda?

Ans.: It became one of the world’s first residential universities, attracting scholars from across Asia. Nalanda was primarily a Buddhist university, offering studies in subjects like philosophy, medicine, astronomy, and logic. Its vast library housed numerous texts, making it a major intellectual hub. Prominent scholars like Nagarjuna and Xuanzang studied and taught there.

Ques.6: Who was the famous teacher of Nalanda?

Ans.: The most famous teacher of Nalanda was Xuanzang (Hiuen Tsang), a Chinese scholar and Buddhist monk who studied at Nalanda in the 7th century.

Ques.7: What did they teach in Nalanda?

Ans.:Nalanda, a famous ancient university in India, taught a variety of subjects, including Buddhist philosophy, logic, astronomy, mathematics, medicine, grammar, and political science.

Ques.8: What did Nalanda symbolize?

Ans.:The term "Nalanda" indeed has its roots in the words "nalam" (lotus) and "da" (giver), symbolizing "giver of knowledge", and the ancient Mahavihara at Nalanda was founded during the reign of King Śakrāditya of the Gupta Dynasty.


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