English - Poetry Chapter 5: An Epitaph के NCERT Book
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Bihar Board Class 12th - English Poetry - Chapter 5: An Epitaph Textbook

BSEB > Class 12 > NCERT Books > English - Poetry Chapter 5: An Epitaph के NCERT Book

In Chapter 5 of the Bihar Board Class 12 English Poetry curriculum, students will delve into the poignant poem "An Epitaph." Authored by Walter de la Mare, this poem explores the themes of mortality, remembrance, and the enduring power of memory.

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Key Themes

  • Death and Remembrance: "An Epitaph" reflects on the inevitability of death and how individuals are remembered after their passing. The poem prompts readers to consider the significance of one's life in the context of mortality.
  • The Passage of Time: The poem touches upon the passage of time and how memories can fade as years go by. Students will explore how the poet uses language to convey the sense of temporal distance.
  • Elegy as a Literary Form: This chapter introduces students to the elegy as a poetic form. "An Epitaph" serves as an example of how poets use elegies to pay tribute to the deceased and meditate on the meaning of life and death.
  • Imagery and Symbolism: Walter de la Mare employs vivid imagery and symbolism in the poem. Students will analyze how the poet uses these literary devices to evoke emotions and create a vivid mental picture.
  • Metaphor and Personification: The poem features metaphors and personification to convey abstract ideas and emotions. This chapter guides students in understanding the figurative language used in the poem.
  • Poetic Structure and Rhyme Scheme: Students will explore the poem's structure and rhyme scheme, gaining insights into how these elements contribute to the poem's overall impact.
  • Exploration of Grief: "An Epitaph" invites readers to explore themes of grief and how individuals cope with the loss of loved ones. The poem provides an opportunity for students to reflect on their own experiences with grief and loss.
  • Literary Analysis: This chapter encourages students to engage in a literary analysis of "An Epitaph," fostering critical thinking and a deeper appreciation for poetic craftsmanship.

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The PDF of "An Epitaph" chapter is available for free on our website, providing students with a valuable resource for a comprehensive study of this elegiac poem. This chapter serves as an introduction to the elegy as a poetic genre and offers a contemplative exploration of themes related to mortality, memory, and the enduring impact of the written word.



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