English - Poetry Chapter 3 Now the leaves are falling fast short Answer Questions
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English - Poetry Chapter 3: Now the leaves are falling fast short Answer Questions

BSEB > Class 12 > Important Questions > Poetry Chapter 3 Now the leaves are falling fast

Short Questions Answer

Q 1 What does the poet mean when he says “Now the leaves are falling fast”?

Answer: The poet means that the leaves of the branches of the tree are falling and the trees are becoming leafless. It is also meant by a person who slowly goes to its death and at last in a grave. Like a tree, every human life has to be destroyed. There is none who can be alive. Everyone is mortal.

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Q2 What are the words in the second stanza suggest death and the effect of death on the human body?

Answer: In the second stanza, the following are the words that suggest death and the effect of death on the human body Wishpering neighbours, Pluck and Freeze.

Q3 How do we complete our last journey to the grave?

Answer: When a man is dead hundreds of men carry the dead body in a wooden coffin to the grave. This is our last journey.

Q4 What do “Trolls” do in the “leafless wood”?

Answer: Trolls run in search of their food in the leafless wood. They search for food to live.

Q5 Who are the ‘travellers’ and how will they be blessed?

Answer: Old persons are the travellers and they are blessed with their last distress and that is death.

Q6 Which words in the first stanza suggest objects from Nature?

Answer: ‘Nurse’s flowers’ is the word in the first stanza that suggests objects from nature. It means ‘a nurse’.

Q7 Who are the ‘whispering neighbours’?

Answer. Agents or messengers of death are the whispering neighbours who come when a human body is dead.

Q8 How does human life become miserable?

Answer: Suffering from diseases and other problems, make human life become miserable and unhappy.

Q9 In what way will the travellers be blessed?

Answer: Travellers will be blessed of those white waterfall which comes out from the mountain’s head. They will be blessed in their last distress.

Q10 Name the poem and the poet.

Answer The poem is “Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast.” and the name of the poet is “Wystan Hugh Auden”.

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