English - Prose Chapter 1: Indian Civilization and Culture short Answer Questions
Short questions and answer:-
Q1. What do you understand about civilization and culture?
Answer :- Civilization is the state of development of a people. Their social, political, legal organization are parts of their civilization. Culture is all the customs, beliefs and ways of living inherited by them. Civilization and culture, in fact, go hand in hand.
Q2.What did the author convey to file countrymen about dealing with modem civilization?
Answer: Gandhiji points out that the tendency of Indian civilization is to elevate the moral being, but that of the western civilization is to propagate immortality. He asked his countrymen to cling to their civilization, but shun the modern civilization at all costs.
Q3. What Is the distinguishing characteristic of modern civilization?
Answer: According to Gandhiji indefinite multiplicity of human wants is the distinguishing characteristic of modern civilization.
Q4. How did our ancestors view large cities? Why were they satisfied with small villages?
Answer:- They viewed large cities as snares and useless encumbrances, having gangs of thieves, robbers and prostitutes. Their village fulfilled all their needs. So they were satisfied with small villages.
Q5. Why is he thankful to modern civilization?
Answer:- He thankful to the modern civilization for teaching him to discard it at any costs
Q6.Why does Gandhi Ji say that “mind is a restless bird”? What makes the mind restless?
Answer:- Gandhi ji says that needs of mind are unending and indulgence of mind in our passions makes it restless.
Q7 How did our ancestors enjoy true Home Rule?
Answer:- They disliked courts and lawyers. They settled their disputes without going to courts. In that way they enjoyed true Home Rule.
Q8. Why did our ancestors dissuade us from luxuries and pleasures? Did they do the right thing?
Answer:- Our ancestors knew that possessions don’t contribute to happiness. The rich were worried about finding means of increasing their material wealth. On the other hand, the poor were contented and happy. That is why, our ancestors dissuade us from luxuries and pleasures. And they were right in doing so.
Q9. What other civilizations does he refer to while highlighting the vitality of Indian Civilization?
Answer:- He refers to the civilizations of Rome, Greece, Japan and China, which are now destroyed or have become westernized. Indian Civilization is still alive.
Q10 What is civilization in the real sense of the term?
Answer:- Civilization, in the real sense of the term, is the deliberate and voluntary restriction of wants. This alone increases and promotes contentment, real happiness and capacity for service.
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