English - Prose Chapter 10: India through Traveller's Eye short Answer Questions
Short Questions Answer
Question 1.What does the word colour remind the writer of?
Answer:The very word colour reminds the writer of the variety of complexion in Indian life, as many as her own American human scene.
Question 2.What were the benefits of English rule?
Ans. The benefits of the English rule was an education in English and the knowledge of the west, which Indians acquired. They were well-versed talking in English fluently.
Question 3.Why were the intellectuals in India restless and embittered?
Answer:The intellectuals in India were disappointed with the British rule because they were not happy to live a life of slavery. As such, they were restless and embittered.
Question 4.What was the ‘great lesson’ that India had to teach the west?
Answer:The great lesson that India had to teach the west, was humanity. It is our culture and tradition as well.
Question. 5.Where was the real indictment against the colonisation to be found?
Answer:The real indictment against colonialism, however, was to be found in the villages in India. The British rule for all was the ills of India.
Question 6.Why did the Indian always blame the British for their suffering?
Answer:The Indian always blame the British for their suffering because it is an easy excuse to run away from their problems and realities.
Question 7.Who was the real master of the house which Buck visited?
Answer:The real master of the house which Buck visited was a younger brother.
Question 8.Why did the writer not mind her host eating in the opposite comer of the room?
Answer:It is so because he was able to understand that this reaction was due to their difference in culture.
Question 9.What does she mean by saying’ Religion is ever-present in Indian life’?
Answer:By saying so the writer means that is Indians life religion is a very important thing. All are very closely related to religion and it is present in all spheres of life.
Question 10.What are her views on the Christian missionaries?
Answer:The author says that for of all the people that I have known the missionary it, in his way, the most dedicated, the most single-hearted. He believes that God is the One the Father of mankind and that all men are brothers. At least the Christian says he so believes and so he preaches.
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