Bihar Board Class 12 English Chapter 11 A Marriage Proposal MCQ
Question 1.Natalia is the daughter of-
(A) Choobookov
(B) Ivan
(C) Chekhov
(D) Vassilievich
Answer: (C) Chekhov
Question 2.Who is the writer of the prose piece, ‘A Marriage Proposal’ ?
(A) William Shakespeare
(B) H.E. Bates
(C) Anton Chekhov
(D) Manohar Malgaonkar
Answer: (C) Anton Chekhov
Question 3.The name of Lomov’s dog is—
(A) Leap
(B) Guess
(C) Tomy
(D) None of these
Answer: (B) Guess
Question 4.“I’ II prove to you in court that they’remine”, said—
(A) Natalia
(B) Choobookov
(C) Lomov
(D) None of these
Answer: (C) Lomov
Question 5.To come back to Natalia, Lomov—
(A) refused
(B) accepted
(C) hesitated
(D) None of these
Answer: (B) accepted
Question 6.To know Lomov’s desire, Mr. Choobookov became—-
(A) happy
(B) angry
(C) sad
(D) None of these
Answer: (A) happy
Question 7.Anton Chekhov has written the lesson—
(A) A Child is Bom
(B) A Marriage Proposal
(C) The Earth
(D) The Artist
Answer: (B) A Marriage Proposal
Question 8.Natalia’s dog is named—
(A) Weep
(B) Leap
(C) Neap
(D) Deap
Answer: (B) Leap
Question 9.Lomov is a neighbour of—
(A) Monokov
(B) Runokov(C) Choobookov
(D) Denukov
Answer: (C) Choobookov
Question 10.How did Chookov react when the he comes to know that Lomov wants to marry Natalia ?
(A) happy
(B) sad
(C) angry
(D) serious
Answer: (A) happy
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