English - Prose Chapter 11: A Marriage Proposal short Answer Questions
Short Questions Answer
Question 1.How is Lomov greeted by Choobookov ?
Answer:Choobookov is surprised to see Lomov dressed in formal clothes. He thinks Lomov is going to a party. But he greets him cordially.
Question 2.How does Choobookov react when he comes to know that Lomov wants to marry Natalia ?
Answer:Choobookov is truly overjoyed when he learns that Lomov wants to marry his daughter Natalia. He says that he has wished to happen it for a long time. He embraces and kisses Lomov.
Question 3.Why does Lomov think that his is a critical age ?
Answer:Lomov is already thirty-five. He is still unmarried. He thinks his is a critical age because if he does not get married soon he will never be able to marry.
Question 4.Why does Lomov feel nervous before proposing to Natalia ?
Answer:Primarily Lomov is a man of nervous temperament. Then, he is not sure whether Natalia will accept him. He feels nervous before proposing to her as if he is going to take the final examination.
Bihar Board Class 12 English Book Solutions Chapter 11 A Marriage Proposal
Question 5.Why is Natalia afraid that all her hay may rot ?
Answer:Natalia has had all her meadow mown. But it has started raining. The hay may not get dried without the sun. It is likely to rot. So she is worried.
Question 6.What according to her, is the real worth of Ox meadows ?
Answer:Natalia thinks that the Ox-meadows are worth about three hundred rubles.
Question 7.Who, according to Lomov, had let the meadows and to whom ?
Answer:According to Lomov the meadows were lent by his aunt grandmother to the peasants of Natalia’s great grandfather for an indefinite period without any payment.
Question 8.Why does Natalia want to talk about something else ?
Answer:Natalia wishes that Lomov should propose to her immediately. So she tries her best to avoid any further arguments on Ox-meadows. She wants to avoid a quarrel.
Question 9.What, according to Lomov, is the main defect of Leap ?
Answer:According to Lomov, Leap is pug-jawed, which makes him a poor hunting dog.
Question 10.How does Natalia describe her own pet dog, Leap ?
Answer:Natalia proudly describes her Leap as a pedigreed greyhound. She says Lomov’s Guess is piebald. So her Leap is a hundred times superior to Lomov’s Guess.
Question 11.‘That’s a load off my back.’ What is this ‘load’ ? Why does Choobookov say so ?
Answer:Choobookov is the father of a 25-year old daughter, Natalia. He was keen that she should be married off as early as possible. But it was not easy. He considered this responsibility as a load on her back. Now she is married to Lomov, he feels relieved. The load is off his back.
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