Bihar Board Class 12 English Chapter 7 A Child is Born MCQ
Multiple Choice Questions Answer
1 The hospital was very uncooperative about-
(A) Providing meals
(B) Exploit childbirth
(C) Breast-feeding
(D) Giving medicines
Answer: (C) Breast-feeding
2 The superstition associated with acquiring new clothes and instruments for baby before the birth is considered as-
(A) Good luck
(B) Bad luck
(C) Ghost luck
(D) Community luck
Answer: (B) Bad luck
3 The present chapter explores the cultural pecularities of the East and the West regarding parent-child relationship and-
(A) Child-death
(B) Child-birth
(C) Male interest
(D) Female interest
Answer: (B) Child-birth
4 The ceremony is held—
(A) only for boy
(B) only for girl
(C) for both
(D) None of these
Answer: (C) for both
5 Who has written ‘A Child is Born’?
(A) B.Russell
(B) S. Naoya
(C) G Greer
(D) None of these
Answer: (C) G Greer
6 When baby is born, it is an occasion of joy for—
(A) the mother
(B) father
(C) strange
(D) the whole family
Answer: (D) the whole family
(A) bad
(B) lovely
(C) strange
(D) None of these
Answer: (B) lovely
8 The naming ceremony is held when the baby is—
(A) seven days old
(B) five days old
(C) the days old
(D) None of these
Answer: (A) seven days old
9 New clothes are bought for—
(A) the baby
(B) the mother
(C) both
(D) None of these
Answer: (C) both
10 In traditional society a pregnant woman is primarily Supported by
(A) husband
(B) kinsfolk
(C) other members of society
(D) None of these
Answer: (A) husband
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