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CBSE Class 11 Biology Notes

CBSE Class 11th Biology Notes

Biology is an important subject and is part of a group of sciences comprising Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology. The NCERT Grade 11 Biology Book is designed to provide basic knowledge in biology including botany, zoology, and anatomy. The CBSE Year 11 Biology program provides an in-depth scientific understanding of how all living and non-living things interact, and the relationship between biology and other fields of study. The biology chapter includes aspects of sustainability of life such as environment, food quality, drug development, and human studies. We have also provided free PDFs of NCERT Class 11 Biology Solutions for each chapter.

It is often difficult for students to choose the right learning materials for their needs. To this end, Vidyakul provides chapter-by-chapter NCERT notes both online and offline to meet the needs of students. NCERT notes for Year 11 are one of the best reference guides for Year 11 students working hard to achieve their career goals.

CBSE Class 11 Biology: Important Topics

Students have free access to all NCERT Biology 11 notes on this page. By practicing Vidyakul's NCERT notes, students will learn the basics of the subject matter and improve their problem-solving skills. The Embibe learning platform helps students excel on exams. The benefits of using the

NCERT Biology notes go beyond final exam preparation. It also builds the necessary knowledge for entrance exams. Here are some important chapters in Grade 11 Biology that students can refer to.

Grade 11 biology notes are placed here to help students learn more effectively. This CBSE Biology Notebook for Grade 11 contains all important concepts and diagrams to help students study each chapter correctly. The notes follow the latest syllabus and CBSE guidelines to help students do well on the exam. Learning biology can be easy and efficient with these NCERT Biology Lesson 11 Notes. It is recommended to use the CBSE Biology Class 11 Notes to quickly get detailed information on a specific chapter.

S. No.

Class 11 Biology Chapters

Chapter 1

The Living World

Chapter 2

Biological Classification

Chapter 3

Plant Kingdom

Chapter 4

Animal Kingdom

Chapter 5

Morphology of Flowering Plants

Chapter 6

Anatomy of Flowering Plants

Chapter 7

Structural Organisation in Animals

Chapter 8

Cell: The Unit of Life

Chapter 9


Chapter 10

Cell Cycle and Cell Division

Chapter 11

Transport in Plants

Chapter 12

Mineral Nutrition

Chapter 13

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Chapter 14

Respiration in Plants

Chapter 15

Plant Growth and Development

Chapter 16

Digestion and Absorption

Chapter 17

Breathing and Exchange of Gases

Chapter 18

Body Fluids and Circulation

Chapter 19

Excretory Products and their Elimination

Chapter 20

Locomotion and Movement

Chapter 21

Neural Control and Coordination

Chapter 22

Chemical Coordination and Integration

CBSE Class 11 Biology: Question Paper Pattern 

The CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 biology for the upcoming academic year is available on this page. Scroll down to download the Class 11 Biology syllabus and know other important details related to it. 

The unit-wise distribution for the Class 11 marking scheme distribution for Biology is mentioned in the table below.

Serial No.

Unit Name



Diversity of Living Organisms



Structural Organization in Plants and Animals



Cell: Structure and Function



Plant Physiology



Human Physiology


The detailed Marking scheme of the CBSE biology paper is given below:

Section A (Very Short Answer Questions)

Marks Details: 1 Mark Each

Total Questions: 5

Total Marks: 5

Section B (Short Answer Questions I)

Marks Details: 2 Marks Each

Total Questions: 5

Total Marks: 10

Section C (Short Answer Questions II)

Marks Details: 3 Marks Each

Total Questions: 12

Total Marks: 36

Section D (Value-Based Questions)

Marks Details: 4 Marks Each

Total Questions: 1

Total Marks: 4

Section E (Long Answer Questions)

Marks Details: 5 Marks Each

Total Questions: 3

Total Marks: 15


Total Questions: 26

Total Marks: 70

For detailed biology syllabus, students can check CBSE Class 11 Biology Syllabus. It is suggested to cover all the related topics from each chapter as questions might come from anywhere within the syllabus.

CBSE Class 11 Biology: Preparation Tips

The biology subject in Class 11 introduces a wide range of important topics crucial to understanding higher-level concepts in Class 12. Questions related to Class 11 biology topics also holds good weight in the NEET exam

So, it can be said that CBSE Class 11 biology is important for both Class 12 and NEET exam. To help the students prepare for the Class 11 biology exam more effectively, some important tips and strategies are mentioned below :

Read the various concepts in detail from NCERT Class 11 books for Biology.

Write down the critical terms, points, short descriptions, diagrams, flow charts, scientific names, etc.

Every time students finish a chapter, they must solve Embibe’s practice questions. Then, revise them regularly, both theory and the questions.

Students can refer to Vidyakul notes and take mock tests to get appropriate feedback by the AI system.

Check Different Question Variations

Remember the Important Terms and Diagrams

Proper Revision

CBSE Class 11 Biology: Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1: Which is the best site for NCERT solutions Class 11?

Ans: We at Vidyakul provide the best NCERT notes for Class 11. These notes cover all the intext and chapter-end exercise questions.

Q.2: What is the nature of the cell wall in diatoms?

Ans: The cell wall in diatoms is made of silica & it forms 2 thin overlapping cells.

Q.3: How can I prepare for NCERT notes for Class 11 Biology?

Ans: To prepare for Class 11 Biology, study the chapters thoroughly, be committed, practice regularly, and use NCERT notes for your reference. For more details, read this article.

Q.4: Which site provides the best Class 11 Biology NCERT notes?

Ans: Students can rely on Vidyakul’s Class 11 Biology NCERT notes. All the questions are solved with proper explanations and supported with diagrams if required so that students can understand the answers better.

Q.5: Which group of algae reserve food material as mannitol?

Ans: Brown algae can reserve the food material as mannitol.

CBSE Class 11 Biology: Points to Remember

Below mentioned are some of the important points to remember for NCERT Class 11 Biology notes to ace the exams:

The Living World: The term ‘Biology’ was used for the first time as a scientific term by the German physiologist Gottfried.

Biological Classification: R.H.R.H. Whittaker (19691969) proposed five kingdom classification- Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia.

Plant Kingdom: Bryophytes are first land plants with a main plant body of gametophytic nature.

Animal Kingdom: Four types of symmetry found in animals are: spherical symmetry, radial symmetry, biradial symmetry and bilateral symmetry. Morphology of Flowering Plants: Thorns are modified forms of axillary buds and act as protective organs, e.g., Citrus, Bougainvillea. Anatomy of Flowering Plants: When both primary and secondary meristems divide, the newly formed cells become structurally and functionally specialised and lose the ability to divide. Such permanent cells constitute permanent tissues.

Structural Organisation in Animals:  Four basic types of animal tissues are: epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscular tissue and nervous tissue.

Cell : The Unit of Life: Based on the presence or absence of a membrane-bound nucleus and other organelles, cells and hence organisms can be named as eukaryotic or prokaryotic.

Biomolecules:  Living matter in plant cells was named ‘protoplasm’ by Purkinje (18391839) and Hugo von Mohl (18461846).

Cell Cycle and Cell Division: The cell cycle can be divided in two major phases: interphase and M phase (Mitotic phase).

Transport in Plants: In active transport, energy in the form of ATP is utilised to pump molecules against a concentration gradient across membranes.

Mineral Nutrition: Julius von Sachs (18601860) demonstrated that plants could be grown to maturity in a defined nutrient solution in complete absence of soil.

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants: Chloroplast has two main parts namely grana (lamellar system) and stroma. Each granum is composed of grana lamellae or thylakoids and the stroma is a proteinaceous matrix.

Respiration in Plants: Respiration is a process in living organisms involving the production of energy, typically with the intake of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide from the oxidation of complex organic substances.

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