CBSE Class 9 Maths Notes – PDF Download
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CBSE Class 9 Maths Notes

CBSE Class 9th Mathematics Notes

Math in ninth grade is an exciting subject and a turning point in many students' lives. Because the topics covered are foundational to higher education, understanding mathematics in ninth grade will help students achieve good grades in high school. Vidyakul provides review notes for the entire 9th-grade math chapter so that students can quickly review all the definitions, concepts, formulas, theorems, and examples they need and get good marks on their final exams. 

9th-grade students often struggle with math test preparation, and Vidyakul's NCERT notes are useful and help students learn the correct way to solve problems. Students may also refer to the Grade 9 Math Index page for comprehensive notes on each chapter's subtopics. 9th-grade math notes are constructive for students to explore concepts in depth. Students who want to do well in upcoming exams should switch to the Vidyakul learning platform. At Vidyakul, Grade 9 students are provided with all math-related materials such as syllabuses, notes, questionnaires, books, etc., which are very helpful in preparing for the exam. 

Check out our math resources for 10th grade at the links below.

NCERT Notes for Class 9 Mathematics: Important Topics

Students can use Vidyakul’s Grade 9 NCERT Math Book to complete the curriculum on time. In addition to math books, students can refer to the Vidyakul NCERT notes books to enhance their knowledge. The NCERT Grade 9 Mathematics Textbook consists of approximately 15 chapters. However, 9th-grade math contains many topics that students need to pay attention to. 

Additionally, all of Vidyakul's training materials are provided free of charge. So check before the exam. Also, students should focus on the very helpful NCERT notes.

Below mentioned are the essential chapters from Class 9 Math:

Sr. No.

Topic Name


Number Systems




Coordinate Geometry


Linear Equations in Two Variables


Introduction to Euclid Geometry


Lines and Angles






Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles






Heron’s Formula


Surface Areas and Volumes





NCERT Notes for Class 9 Mathematics: Question Paper Pattern 

CBSE has published a special scoring system for Class 9 exams and the Board has divided the entire academic year into two semesters: Semester Exam 1 and Semester Exam II/Annual Exam. Students can use the CBSE exam template to learn a variety of important information related to the exam. Students can get an idea of ​​test duration, grades, question types, and more. here.

Students can obtain full testing schedule information for Semester 1 exams and Semester 2/Annual exams in the table below.

CBSE Class 9 Term 1 Examination Scheme

Students can check the exam pattern for CBSE Class 9 Maths Term 1 Examination below. Scores of the Term 1 Maths examination contribute to the final overall Maths score of Class 9 students.



Conducting Month


Term 1 Examination Period

4 to 8 weeks

Duration of Term 1 Examination

90 minutes (1.5 hours)

Type of Questions

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

Syllabus for Term 1 Examination

Approx. 50% of Maths syllabus

Class 9 Maths Term 2/Year-end Examination Scheme:



Conducting Month


Term II Examination Period

4 to 8 weeks

Duration of Year-end Examination

120 minutes (2 hours)

Type of Questions

Case-based/ Situation based, Open-ended, short answer/ long answer type

Syllabus for Term II Examination

Remaining approx. 50% of Maths syllabus

Unit-wise Mark Distribution for Class 9 Maths Term 1 Examination:


Unit Name


Unit I

Number Systems


Unit II



Unit III

Coordinate Geometry


Unit IV



Unit V



Unit VI

Statistics & Probability




Internal Assessment


Final Total


Unit-wise Mark Distribution for Class 9 Maths Term 2/Year-end Examination:


Unit Name


Unit II



Unit IV



Unit V



Unit VI

Statistics & Probability




Internal Assessment


Final Total


NCERT Notes for Class 9 Mathematics: Preparation Tips

Students can get good marks if they have a good preparation strategy. Making a preparation strategy and following it indeed leads to a good result. And, students can see progress if they prepare well for the exam. Here are some preparation tips that students can follow to prepare for the Class 9 Maths exam.

  1. First of all, students should check the CBSE NCERT Class 9 Maths Syllabus. If you are preparing for the Class 9 exam, the syllabus helps you sort out important, easy, and challenging topics.

  2. Students should make a timetable for the Class 9 exam preparation. They can put slots to study every topic present in the Class 9 Maths syllabus.

  3. Students should study for the exam from CBSE Class 9 Maths Book first. Schools prepare question papers from the textbook. So, it is better to prepare for the exam from the CBSE Class 9 Maths textbook.

  4. They can also take help from NCERT notes for Class 9 Maths. They can know about the concept behind solving any question from the CBSE Class 9 Maths notes.

  5. You can even take notes while studying for the exam.

  6. Students can also solve the CBSE Class 9 Maths sample paper. It contains a variety of questions from each topic from the NCERT Class 9 Maths textbook.

  7. Furthermore, you can take CBSE Class 9 Maths mock tests to prepare yourself for the exam. At Vidyakul, you can find the mock test for the Class 9 exam free of cost.

  8. Lastly, don’t forget to take short breaks in between. Short breaks can refresh your mind and save you from exhaustion.

NCERT Notes for Class 10 Mathematics: Tips & Tricks 

1. Solve each and every question and example given in NCERT books

2. Practice more to gain accuracy and speed

3. Solve previous year's question papers and sample papers

4. Make a separate notebook for formulae, theories, and points for easy practice

5. Prepare flow charts at the end of every topic.  Practice diagrams. Attempt each topic and try to decipher value questions from those.

6. Manage time depending on the weightage of each chapter

7. Know the Maths class 9 term 1 and maths class 9 term 2 syllabus and schedule all topics accordingly.

NCERT Notes for Class 9 Mathematics: Points to Remember

While studying, the important points to remember from Class 9 Maths are as follows:

  • A number is a mathematical object that can be counted and measured.

  • A number system is a collection of values that are used to represent a quantity.

  • The whole numbers are a collection of natural numbers that include zero.

  • A variable is a symbol that has no fixed numerical value.

  • A point is something that does not play a role.

  • A line’s ends are called points.

  • A straight line is one that is parallel to all of its points.

  • A surface is defined as having only length and width.

  • A surface’s edges are lines.

  • A plane surface is one that lies evenly with straight lines on it.

  • Some of the algebraic identities are as follows:

    • (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2

    • (x – a) (x + b) = x2 + (b – a) x – ab

    • (a + b) (a – b) = a2 -b2

    • (x + a) (x + b) = x2 + (a + b) x + ab

    • (a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2

    • (x + a) (x – b) = x2 + (a – b) x – ab

    • (x – a) (x – b) = x2 – (a + b) x + ab

  • Area of parallelogram = Base × Height

  • Area of a circle (of radius r) = π × r2

  • The diameter of the circle, d = 2 × r

  • Circumference of the circle = 2 × π × r

  • (Hypotenuse)2 = (Perpendicular)2 + (Base)2

Check out all the important points for CBSE Class 9 Maths at Vidyakul.

NCERT Notes for Class 9 Mathematics:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1: Which is the best learning platform for NCERT Maths notes for Class 9?

Ans: Vidyakul is the best-outcome-based learning platform for detailed NCERT Maths notes for Class 9. Experts at Vidyakul have created a step by step notes in simple and easy language. Students searching for Class 9 Maths NCERT notes can read this article and download free NCERT Maths Book Class 9 notes from this article.

Q.2: How many practice questions for Class 9 Maths are available on Vidyakul?

Ans: Vidyakul provides more than 1000 practice questions for Class 9 Maths.

Q.3: Can I take the Class 9 Maths mock test for free on Vidyakul?

Ans: Yes, students can take the mock test for free fromVidyakul. Students can sign up for Vidyakul and take the mock test. 

Q.4: Which NCERT notes are the best to prepare for the Class 9 Maths exam?

Ans: Vidyakul’s NCERT notes are the best for Class 9 Maths exams. 

Q.5: Are the NCERT notes on Vidyakul free?

Ans: Yes, the NCERT notes available on Vidyakul are free to use.

Q.6: Where can I download Class 9 Maths NCERT notes?

Ans: NCERT notes for Class 9 Maths are available in this article free of cost. You can download it for later use. 

Q.7: How many chapters does the NCERT Class 9 Maths textbook have?

Ans: The NCERT Maths textbook for Class 9 features 15 chapters.

Q.8: How can I easily learn formulas for all chapters in NCERT Class 9 textbook?

Ans: Students can easily refer to this article to learn Maths formulas for Class 9. It covers the entire syllabus and contains all the important formulas for the exam.

Q.9: Why is it important to refer to NCERT Class 9 Maths notes?

Ans: Maths NCERT Class 9 notes provide a detailed and step-by-step explanation. Keeping the concepts in mind, they are easy to understand and handy to practice.

Chapter-wise CBSE Class 9 Maths Notes  

Vidyakul understands the difficulties faced by the students in Class 9 thus bring them a solution to lower down the pressure and increase their self-confidence. Free Download of CBSE Notes Class 9 Maths Chapter-wise pdf would help students in effective preparation and revision for the examinations.

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  • Mathematics is an important subject which has a tendency to turn into a nightmare for students, if not studied rigorously. So, the students of Class 9 are required to keep practicing Mathematics if they are aiming for a high score in the examinations. The CBSE Notes Class 9 Maths Chapter-wise cover all chapters from Number system to Probability. These notes are created by our panel of highly experienced teachers after analyzing the past 10 years of examination papers and material to cover all the important topics in the entire NCERT Syllabus as prescribed by CBSE.

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