JEE Mains Exam Pattern 2018-Paper 1 and Paper 2 | Vidyakul
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JEE Mains Exam Pattern 2018-Paper 1 and Paper 2


JEE Mains 2018-Paper 1 and Paper 2 Exam Pattern

The Central Board of Secondary Education released the JEE Mains Exam Pattern 2018—Paper 1 and Paper 2 to provide the candidates with crystal clarity of the examination they are aiming for. With the help of JEE Mains Exam Pattern for Paper 1 and Paper 2, the candidates would get an idea of the time duration of the examinations, type of questions asked in both the papers, marking scheme etc. JEE Mains Exam is divided into two examinations. The candidates aspiring for B. Tech/ B. E. courses in India’s prestigious engineering colleges like IITs, IIITs, NITs go for Paper 1. On the other hand, the candidates aiming for courses like B. Arch/ B. Planning, go for Paper 2. The Exam Pattern for JEE Mains 2018—Paper 1 and Paper 2, thus are different and given below for the candidates in detail.

The JEE Mains Exam Pattern 2018 for Paper 1 consists of three sections—Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry—thirty questions each, 90 in total. Each question carries 4 marks and negative marking for every wrong answer. Each section carries 120 marks and the entire paper is of 360 marks. Moreover, this paper will be conducted in two modes—Online and Offline—the details of which are given below.

The JEE Mains Exam Pattern 2018 for Paper 2 also consists of three sections—Mathematics, Aptitude test and Drawing. The entire paper will have 82 questions which carry 390 marks in total. JEE Mains Paper 2 has a different marking methodology for each section which is given below in detail.

LATEST: JEE Mains Admit Card 2018 is available now!

JEE Mains Exam Pattern 2018

The JEE Mains Exam would be conducted offline (pen and paper-based) on 8th April 2018. While the online mode of examination will be conducted on 15th and 16th April 2018. The candidate only has three attempts to clear JEE Mains Examination. The candidates can find below all the details regarding the JEE Mains Exam Pattern 2018—Paper 1 and Paper 2.

JEE Mains Exam pattern 2018—Paper 1:

1. Mode of Exam:
• Pen & Paper based (offline) or Computer Based Test (CBT/Online)

2. Duration of the Exam:
• The candidates will have 3 hours to complete their examination.

3. Subjects:
• The exam would test the candidates on three subjects—Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics.
• Questions will be asked from the JEE Main syllabus 2018, released by CBSE.

4. Total Number of questions:
• The candidate has to answer 90 questions in JEE Mains Exam Paper 1.
• Each section will have 30 questions each.

5. Type of Questions:
• Only objective type questions will be asked.
• Each question will have four options out of which one will be correct.

6. Marking Scheme:
• Each correct answer will be awarded 4 marks.
• Every wrong answer will fetch -1 mark while any answer with no response will not be given any marks

7. Total Marks awarded:
• The paper will be set for 360 marks.

8. Language / Medium of question paper:
• An option to write the JEE Mains Exam in English or Hindi will be given to all candidates except for candidates from Gujarat, Daman & Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli who can opt for Gujarati.


JEE Mains Exam Pattern 2018—Paper 2:

1. Mode of Exam:
• The JEE Main 2018 paper 2 exam will be held in pen and paper mode only.

2. Duration of the Exam:
• The total time given to students to complete the exam is 3 hours.
• Subjects: Candidates will be tested in Mathematics, General aptitude and drawing skills.

3. Total Number of questions:
• The total number of questions asked in the exam are 82 out of which Mathematics will have 50 questions, Aptitude will have 20 questions and drawing will have 2 questions

4. Type of Questions:
• While Mathematics and Aptitude will have objective type questions, drawing will have questions that will test the candidates in their drawing and sketching capabilities.

5. Marking Scheme:
• While the objective questions will be awarded 4 marks for a correct answer and a negative mark of -1 for every wrong answer.
• The questions that require drawing would carry 70 marks in total but the marks for each question will vary and hence, will be mentioned along with the question only.

6. Total Marks awarded:
• The question paper will carry 390 marks.

7. Language / Medium of question paper:
• An option to write the JEE Mains Exam in English or Hindi will be given to all candidates except for candidates from Gujarat, Daman & Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli who can opt for Gujarati.

Aptitude test50200

Schedule of JEE Mains 2018 Exam

The candidates must have a thorough knowledge of JEE Mains 2018 Exam Schedule, along with JEE Mains Exam Pattern 2018—Paper 1 and Paper 2, to plan an effective preparation strategy for their JEE Mains Exam. The schedule given below will help the candidates to familiarize themselves to the exam timings and act accordingly.

Examination DatePaperSubjectExam Timing
April 8, 2018Paper 1 (B.E./B. Tech)Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Paper 2 (B.Arch/B.Planning)Mathematics, Aptitude Test & Drawing Test2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
April 15 and 16, 2018Paper 1 (B.E./B.Tech)Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics9:30 AM to 12:30  PM (1st Shift)
2:00 PM to 5:00 PM (2nd Shift)

JEE Mains Exam 2018 Guidelines:

• The examination rooms/hall will open 2.30 hours before commencement of the test. Considering there will be frisking by metal detectors, candidates must reach the exam centre with sufficient time in hand so as to avoid last minute rush.
• The candidate must bring their admit card of JEE Main 2018(add link) while coming for the examination. Candidates without the admit card won’t be allowed to partake in the exam.
• PwD candidates must bring a copy of their PwD certificate in the prescribed format duly signed by the competent authority along with their admit card
• Electronic devices like mobile phone, calculator, watches with calculators, pagers etc are not permitted inside the exam hall.Candidates must check for these devices on them before entering.
• Other items that must not be taken in the exam hall include log table, book, notebook, etc.
• The board has given permission to the Diabetic students to carry sugar tablets or fruits such as banana or an apple and a transparent bottle of water.

Guidelines for JEE Mains Exam, Paper 1 & 2—Pen & Paper Based (offline):

• Candidates aspiring for JEE Mains Exam—Paper 2 have to bring their own geometry set, pencils, color pencils or crayons, erasers etc. for Aptitude Test.
• Candidates will be allowed to carry a clipboard with nothing written on it to the exam hall as a pad to keep the exam paper on it to write easily.
• The candidate must use Blue/Black ball pen to write details on both sides of the Answer Sheet. It must be noted that the use of pencil is barred, and doing so will lead to rejection of candidature.
• The candidate must use a Ball Point Pen for filling the required details in the Test Booklet. The candidate will be allowed to break the seal of the Test Booklet five minutes before the start of exam. After cautiously taking out the Answer Sheet, the candidate must verify the Test Booklet Code printed on Side -2 of the Answer Sheet is similar to the one printed on the Test Booklet. If there is a discrepancy, the candidate must instantly inform the invigilator and get a new Test Booklet and Answer Sheet.
• The candidate must check that the number of pages of Test-Booklet is similar to the number of pages mentioned at the top of the first page of the booklet. The candidates must also check that the serial number and series of the Test Booklet are matching to the serial number and series of OMR sheet. If they are not matching, candidate must inform the invigilator and get them replaced.

Guidelines for JEE Mains Exam Paper 2—Online

• Candidates will be provided with a ballpoint pen by the invigilator in the examination hall. Thus, they should not carry one along to the exam hall.
• They will be provided with rough sheets to work out the calculations or any other rough work. These sheets have to be returned to the invigilator before leaving the exam hall.