NEET 2018 Syllabus | Vidyakul
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NEET 2018 Syllabus

National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test 2018 Syllabus

The candidates aspiring for the National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test, NEET 2018 require a thorough knowledge of NEET 2018 Syllabuswhich will help them to plan their preparation strategy accordingly. This test facilitates admission into courses like MBBS, BDS or PG in both government and private medical colleges.

After going through various state syllabi as well as the syllabus prepared by CBSE, the Council of Boards of School Education in India (COBSE) and National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), The Medical Council of India prepared, the NEET Syllabus 2018in a manner that ensures consistency in medical education across the country.  The MCI also recommends the same consistency for admissions through NEET to about 90,000 MBBS/BDS seats in India. The Syllabus of NEET 2018 is based on topics taught in the Science Stream—Physics, Chemistry and Biology—in Classes 11 and 12.

The candidates appearing for NEET 2018 must have an in-depth knowledge of all the topics mentioned in NEET 2018 Syllabus as it would help them to solve more questions and thus, score more in the exam. Vidyakul provides subject wise detailed NEET Syllabus for 2018 to all aspirants for an effective preparation.

NEET Syllabus 2018 contains the list of syllabus for Physics, Chemistry and Biology that are specified by CBSE. All those candidates who are thorough with CBSE syllabus for the above subjects would find it easy to go through NEET Syllabus.

Important Facts about NEET 2018 Exam

• Date of the Examination: NEET 2018 would be conducted by CBSE on 6th May 2018, Sunday.

• Duration of the Examination: The NEET 2018 Exam will commence at 10 am and end at 1 pm. The duration of the exam would be 3 hours.

• Mode of the Examination: The NEET 2018 Exam would be conducted offline, i.e. it would be pen and paper based.

• Language of the Examination: The candidate would have an option to attempt the paper in the language that they can choose from—Hindi, English, Urdu, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Marathi, Oriya, Tamil and Telegu.

• Number of Questions: Candidates aspiring for NEET 2018 will attempt 180 objective type questions. There will be 90 questions from Biology and 45 questions each from Physics and Chemistry.

• Marks: A correct answer raises 4 marks. While an incorrect answer fetches negative marking of 1 mark. Biology section accounts for 360 marks while Physics and Chemistry sections are of 180 marks each.

NEET 2018 Syllabus—Significance:

Admission into MBBS/BDS courses in India is quite tough due to less seats and high level of competition. The candidates aspiring for admission into these courses require a lot of hard work and strategic planning.  The NEET 2018 Syllabus, thus plays a significant role in scoring high marks. Given Below are some points that would help the candidates understand why NEET 2018 Syllabus is crucial.

1. The NEET 2018 Syllabus is published in NEET 2018 Information brochure by CBSE which makes the syllabus final and binding.
2. The 2018 Syllabusfor NEETwould make the candidates aware of the important topics that they must cover to score high in NEET 2018 Exams.
3. Apart from the topics covered in NCERT, the NEET Syllabus 2018 also contains certain topics outside the NCERT Syllabus. Thus, after going through the Syllabus for NEET 2018, the candidates would get to know the topics out of NCERT which would help them to prepare accordingly.

NEET 2018 Subject-wise Syllabus

Vidyakul presents subject wise detailed analysis of NEET 2018 Syllabus for candidates aspiring to get admission into government and private medical colleges. The Syllabus for NEET 2018 is based on Class 11th and 12th topics of subjects in science stream—Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Candidates can find the various topics covered in these subjects for both the class 11th and 12th in the tables given below.

 NEET 2018 Syllabus: Physics Topics

The candidates are advised to cover all the NEET 2018 Physics Syllabus topics given in a table below to ease out their NEET 2018 preparation.

S.No.Class XIClass XII
1Physical world and measurementElectrostatics
2KinematicsCurrent Electricity
3Motion of System of Particles and Rigid BodyOptics
4Work, Energy and PowerElectromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
5Laws of MotionElectromagnetic Waves
6Behavior of Perfect Gas and Kinetic TheoryMagnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
7Properties of Bulk MatterElectronic Devices
8ThermodynamicsAtoms and Nuclei
9GravitationDual Nature of Matter and Radiation
10Oscillations and Waves

NEET 2018 Syllabus: Biology Topics

The candidates are advised to cover all the NEET 2018 Biology Syllabus topics given in a table below to ease out their NEET 2018 preparation.

S.No.Class XIClass XII
1Diversity in Living WorldReproduction
2Structural Organization in Animals and PlantsEcology and environment
3Plant PhysiologyBiology and Human Welfare
4Human physiologyBiotechnology and Its Applications
5Cell Structure and FunctionGenetics and Evolution

 NEET 2018 Syllabus: Chemistry Topics

The candidates are advised to cover all the NEET 2018 Chemistry Syllabus topics given in a table below to ease out their NEET 2018 preparation.

S.No.Class XIClass XII
1Some Basic Concepts of ChemistrySolid State
2Structure of AtomSolutions
3Classification of Elements and Periodicity in PropertiesElectrochemistry
4HydrogenChemistry in Everyday Life
5States of Matter: Gases and LiquidsSurface Chemistry
6Chemical Bonding and Molecular StructureGeneral Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
7Equilibriump- Block Elements
8Redox Reactionsd and f Block Elements
10s-Block Element (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals)Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
11Some p-Block ElementsAlcohols, Phenols, and Ethers
12Environmental ChemistryHaloalkanes and Haloarenes
13HydrocarbonsOrganic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
14Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and TechniquesCoordination Compounds
15 Polymers
16 Chemical Kinetics

Vidyakul provides an in-depth analysis of subject-wise NEET Syllabus 2018in a downloadable PDF format.To access them, click on the links below:

NEET Physics Syllabus 2018

NEET Chemistry Syllabus 2018

NEET Biology Syllabus 2018

 NEET 2018 Syllabus Weightage:

The NEET 2018 Syllabus is divided into three sections—Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The candidates need to solve all the questions given in these sections to score maximum marks that qualify for cutoff in order to become eligible for counselling.

The NEET 2018 question paper will strictly follow the NEET 2018 Syllabus as prescribed by CBSE. The candidates have to solve a total of 180 MCQ questions, with each question having three wrong answers and one correct answers. Based on the NEET 2018 Exam Pattern, Vidyakul brings the NEET 2018 Syllabus Weightage for all three subjects to ease out and strategize the NEET 2018 Preparation for candidates.

Subjects11th ClassClass 12thTotal
No. of QuesTotal MarksNo. of QuesTotal MarksNo. of QuesTotal Marks
Grand Total8835292368180720

For more information regarding NEET 2018 Admit Card and NEET 2018 Eligibility Criteria, stay tuned with Vidyakul.

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NEET 2018 Admit Card

NEET 2018 Eligibility Criteria

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