NEET 2018 Sample Papers | Vidyakul
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NEET 2018 Sample Papers

National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test 2018 Sample Papers

The candidates aspiring for admission intoMBBS/BDS courses from India’s various Medical and dental government and private colleges require NEET 2018 Sample Papers, to get through the National Eligibility cum Entrance Examination scheduled by the Central Board of Secondary Education on 6th May 2018, Sunday. Every year, millions of students appear for NEET 2018 which makes the preparation for this exam equally difficult and demanding as the exam itself. So the candidates need NEET Sample Papers 2018 to enhance their NEET Exam Preparation.

Recommended as the best revision strategy by NEET toppers, Sample papers for NEET 2018 would help the candidates understand the exam pattern better. Moreover, it would aid them with more information such as types of questions asked, division of subjects, time limit, marking scheme and much more. NEET Sample Papers can thus, provide the aspirants and insight of the NEET 2018 Exam thus helping them to comprehend their strengths and weaknesses and formulate their preparation strategy accordingly to maximize their results.

Vidyakul presents the NEET Sample Question Papers for 2018 which have been designed by our faculty of esteemed highly experienced teachers, keeping in mind the level of preparation essential for NEET 2018 Examination. After practicing from these Sample Papers for NEET 2018, the candidate would be able to tackle any question in his/her NEET Exam.

Candidates must note that while solving NEET 2018 Sample papers provided by Vidyakul, they should follow the time limit as of the real examination. This would give them a feel of the actual examination and hence provide them with ample practice for time management. Through this stimulating exercise, the candidates would be able to boost their preparation for NEET 2018.

What is the purpose of solving NEET 2018 Sample papers?

• Feel Like an Actual Exam: 

While solving the Sample Papers for NEET 2018, the candidate must take into account the time limit and solve according to it. This will help the candidate to feel like an actual exam thus training him/her beforehand for better exam performance.

• Understanding the Exam Pattern:

The NEET Sample Papers for 2018, would help the candidate to understand the exam pattern well enough and practice accordingly. The candidate will get to know the exam difficulty and thus will prepare accordingly. They will learn the types of questions asked, division of subjects, time limit etc.

Download NEET 2018 Sample Papers here:

NEET  Sample Papers 2018 – 1

Why should you practice from NEET 2018 Sample Paper provided by Vidyakul?

• Coverage of entire NEET 2018 Syllabus: Designed exclusively by highly experienced teachers, keeping in mind the level of preparation needed by the candidates, the NEET 2018 Sample Papers cover the entire NEET 2018 Syllabus for all-around preparation.

For the entire NEET 2018 Syllabus, Click here.

• Better SWOT Analysis: Sample Papers for NEET 2018 provide the candidates a chance to understand their strengths and weaknesses and formulate their preparation strategy accordingly. Moreover, with regular practice from Sample papers, candidates can keep a check on the topics that they have covered and focus on the ones that are still left. This helps them to achieve a high score in the exam.

• Learn Time Management: By regular solving of NEET Sample Question Papers, the candidate will learn how to divide time among the three sections—Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. This will help them gain proper time management skills and train them to solve the NEET 2018 Question paper quick and accurate.

 Use as Mock Tests: The NEET 2018 Sample papers provided to the candidates by Vidyakul can be used as mock tests by the candidates for better practice for their exam. This will help them gain self-confidence and boost their preparation. Moreover, maximum correct answers win minimum time will help the candidates to score maximum marks in the NEET 2018 Exam.

• Reduce Stress Levels: While solving Vidyakul’sNEET 2018 Sample Question Papers, the candidate will get comfortable with the types of questions, exam pattern, and division of marks thus, reducing their stress level. It will make the candidate more comfortable in the exam and reduce their anxiety and nervousness, thus boosting their self-confidence which ultimately leads to a high score in the examination.

• Easy Download: With the NEET Sample Papers for 2018, available in candidate friendly PDF Format, the candidate can download them easily and practice them for a high score in the NEET 2018 exam.

NEET 2018 Sample Paper Analysis

The NEET Sample Papers 2018 brought to the students aspiring for National Eligibility cum Entrance Test, follows a similar pattern as that of Previous Year NEET Question Papers. These Sample Question Papers for NEET contains objective type multiple choice questions and the time duration of the exam is 3 hours.

Candidates must take note of the NEET Sample Paper Analysis 2018 from the table given below:

NEET Exam Pattern 2018
Number of Questions180 MCQ
  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Biology (Botany & Zoology)
Type of questionsObjective type ( 4 options with 1 correct answer)
  1. English
  2. Hindi
  3. Tamil
  4. Telugu
  5. Assamese
  6. Gujarati
  7. Bengali
  8. Marathi
Mode of examOffline mode only
Duration180 minutes (3 hours)
Marking scheme
  1. Correct answer: +4
  2. Incorrect answer: -1

Candidates must note The Analysis of NEET 2018Sample Paper with subject name, number of questions and marks from the table given below.

SubjectNo. of QuestionsMarks

Vidyakul believes that The NEET 2018 Sample Papers will help the candidates in 100% exam preparation and help them achieve a high score in NEET 2018 Exam.


Related Links:

NEET 2018 Admit Card

NEET 2018 Eligibility Criteria

NEET 2018 Syllabus