Organic Chemistry - Some Basic Principles and Techniques Class 11 Notes | Vidyakul
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Organic Chemistry - Some Basic Principles and Techniques Class 11 Notes

Organic Chemistry - Some Basic Principles and Techniques Class 11 Notes

Chapter 12 Organic Chemistry - Some Basic Principles and Techniques

For NCERT Class 11 Chemistry, students can find all the notes for the in-text question and exercises. The NCERT notes will help students better understand the concepts of Class 11 Chemistry and score good marks in exams.

All the NCERT notes provided in this article are solved by a team of academic experts at Vidyakul. Students can also get a better understanding of the marking scheme as well as the exam pattern followed by the CBSE board. NCERT notes will help students in their final exam preparation as well as different entrance examinations like JEE Main and NEET. Detailed and step-by-step explanations have been given for all of the NCERT notes. Continue reading to know more.


Points to Remember

To help guide students in their exam preparations for NCERT 11th Chemistry Chapter 12 Organic Chemistry, we have provided some of the important points to remember below:

  • Organic chemistry is the study of hydrocarbons and their derivatives. Carbon in its compounds forms covalent bonds. The nature of the covalent bonding can be described in terms of the orbitals hybridization concept. Carbon can undergo sp3, sp2 and sp hybridization in its compounds.

  • In a homologous series, any two successive members differ in their molecular mass by 14u. and in their molecular formula by — CH2.

  • IUPAC name of a compound is constituted from:

  • Secondary prefix + Primary prefix + Word root + Primary suffix + Secondary prefix.

  • The decreasing order of preferences of the secondary suffixes (functional groups) is:

    • Carboxylic acid > sulphonic > acid anhydride > ester > acid chloride > acid amide > nitrile>  aldehyde > ketone > alcohol > amine.

  • Aliphatic (Acyclic) compounds are open chain compounds which contain straight or branched chains of carbon atoms.

  • Benzenoids are the aromatic compounds which contain one or more benzene rings.

Students can visit Vidyakul to get free access to all the important points for NCERT Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 12.

Topics and Sub-topics

Students can download the NCERT notes PDF for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 12. Finding the right books and notes usually turns into a gruelling task with many links available on the internet. Look no further if you have also been struggling with the same issue. The NCERT notes for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 12 PDF can easily be downloaded from the Vidyakul platform who are looking for authentic textbooks to download.

Before going further into the details of the notes, students can check the important topics covered in NCERT Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 12 from the table below:



Ex 12.1

General Information

Ex 12.2

Tetravalence of Carbon: Shapes of Organic Compounds

Ex 12.2.1

The Shapes of Carbon Compounds

Ex 12.2.2

Some Characteristics Features of π Bonds

Ex 12.3

Structural Representations of Organic Compounds

Ex 12.3.1

Complete, Condensed, and Bond-line Structural Formula

Ex 12.3.2

Three-Dimensional Representation of Organic Molecules

Ex 12.4

Classification of Organic Compounds

Ex 12.4.1

Functional Group

Ex 12.4.2

Homologous Series

Ex 12.5

Nomenclature of Organic Compounds

Ex 12.5.1

The IUPAC System of Nomenclature

Ex 12.5.2

IUPAC Nomenclature of Alkanes

Ex 12.5.3

Nomenclature of Organic Compounds having Functional Group(s)

Ex 12.5.4

Nomenclature of Substituted Benzene Compounds

Ex 12.6


Ex 12.6.1

Structural Isomerism

Ex 12.6.2


Ex 12.7

Fundamental Concepts in Organic Reaction Mechanism

Ex 12.7.1

Fission of a Covalent Bond

Ex 12.7.2

Substrate and Reagent

Ex 12.7.3

Electron Movement in Organic Reactions

Ex 12.7.4

Electron Displacement Effects in

Covalent Bonds

Ex 12.7.5

Inductive Effect

Ex 12.7.6

Resonance Structure

Ex 12.7.7

Resonance Effect

Ex 12.7.8

Electromeric Effect (E effect)

Ex 12.7.9


Ex 12.7.10

Types of Organic Reactions and


Ex 12.8

Method of Purification of Organic Compounds

Ex 12.8.1


Ex 12.8.2


Ex 12.8.3


Ex 12.8.4

Differential Extraction

Ex 12.8.5


Ex 12.9

Qualitative Analysis of Organic Compounds

Ex 12.9.1

Detection of Carbon and Hydrogen

Ex 12.9.2

Detection of Other Elements

Ex 12.10

Quantitative Analysis

Ex 12.10.1

Carbon and Hydrogen

Ex 12.10.2


Ex 12.10.3


Ex 12.10.4


Ex 12.10.5


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to study and prepare for CBSE Class 11 Organic chemistry?

Organic chemistry requires constant practise and familiarisation of chemical formulas of compounds. A student should fully study and prepare the full syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Chemistry.

  • What is meant by ‘isomerism’?

Isomerism refers to the existence of molecules that have the same number of same kinds of atoms but differ in chemical and physical properties.

  • What is the ‘resonance effect’?

Resonance effect is the polarity produced in a molecule due to interaction between a lone pair of electron and a pi bond or it is produced due to interaction of two pi bonds between two adjacent atoms.

Practice Questions

  1. Answer the following with an example in brief:

    • (a) Distillation

    • (b) Chromatography

    • (c) Crystallization

  1. Which acid is added to the sodium extract before the addition of silver nitrate to test Halogens? Why?

  2. Distinguish between distillation, steam distillation, and distillation under reduced pressure?

  3. Explain paper chromatography.

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