Hydrocarbons Class 11 Notes | Vidyakul
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Hydrocarbons Class 11 Notes

Hydrocarbons Class 11 Notes

Chapter 13 Hydrocarbons

The compounds consisting of hydrogen and carbon only are called hydrocarbons. They are obtained from major sources of energy like petroleum and coal. Compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) are the primary sources of energy for the automobile industry, and domestic fuel is obtained from petroleum.

All the NCERT notes provided in this article are solved by a team of academic experts at Vidyakul. Students can also get a better understanding of the marking scheme as well as the exam pattern followed by the CBSE board. NCERT notes will help students in their final exam preparation as well as different entrance examinations like JEE Main and NEET. Detailed and step-by-step explanations have been given for all of the NCERT notes. Continue reading to know more.


Points to Remember

  • Open chain saturated – Alkanes

  • Unsaturated – Unsaturated hydrocarbons are defined as the hydrocarbons in which the carbon atoms are bonded to each other with two or three covalent bonds and also have the tendency to obtain more hydrogen atoms. Example alkynes and alkenes.

  • Cyclic – alicyclic

  • Aromatic – These hydrocarbons are defined as the cyclic hydrocarbons with alternate C-C and C=C as well as, are similar to the benzene ring in characters.

  • The major reactions of alkanes are oxidation, combustion, aromatization, and free radical substitution. Alkenes and alkynes undertake addition reaction, which is mainly electrophilic addition. Aromatic hydrocarbons mainly undergo electrophilic substitution reaction. They experience addition reactions only under exceptional conditions.

Topics and Sub-topics

To make learning more fun and easier, CBSE Revision Notes for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 13 Hydrocarbons is available on the Vidyakul for free download. Students can also refer to these PDF notes, which contain detailed explanations of all the important topics in the chapter. Using these PDF notes will help students understand each topic well and pass the exam with excellence.

When talking about hydrocarbons in chemistry, we can interpret them as organic compounds consisting of the elements hydrogen and carbon. However, when we study this topic in 11th grade, found in CBSE chapter 13 book, we have to learn various things like classification of hydrocarbons, alkenes, alkanes, alkynes, toxicity and carcinogenicity , and understand equations, solve various problems, and more.

Before you go to NCERT notes, let’s see the list of topics that you are going to study in this chapter:



Ex 13.1


Ex 13.2


Ex 13.2.1

Nomenclature and Isomerism

Ex 13.2.2


Ex 13.2.3


Ex 13.2.4


Ex 13.3


Ex 13.3.1

Structure of Double Bond

Ex 13.3.2


Ex 13.3.3


Ex 13.3.4


Ex 13.3.5


Ex 13.4


Ex 13.4.1

Nomenclature and Isomerism

Ex 13.4.2

Structure of Triple Bond

Ex 13.4.3


Ex 13.4.4


Ex 13.5

Aromatic Hydrocarbon

Ex 13.5.1

Nomenclature and Isomerism

Ex 13.5.2

Structure of Benzene

Ex 13.5.3


Ex 13.5.4

Preparation of Benzene

Ex 13.5.5


Ex 13.5.6

Directive influence of a functional group in monosubstituted benzene

Ex 13.6

Carcinogenicity And Toxicity

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Which the longest hydrocarbon chain?

Palytoxin and maitotoxin are believed to have the longest carbon chains in nature.

  • What are the types of hydrocarbons?

The four main categories of hydrocarbons: Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes and Aromatic hydrocarbons.

  • What are the uses of ‘Cyclic hydrocarbons’?

1. Solvent/chemical raw material 2. Manufacture of petroleum products

Practice Questions

  1. Benzene contains three double bonds and is extraordinarily stable. Why?

  2. How will you convert the hexane into benzene?

  3. Write chemical equations for the combustion reaction of Toluene and Butane.

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