Class 11 Physics Chapter 14 Oscillations Notes | Vidyakul
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Class 11 Physics Chapter 14 Oscillations Notes

Oscillations Class 11 Notes

Chapter 14 Oscillations

Chapter 14 of CBSE Class 11 Physics covers oscillatory and periodic motion. Vidaykul provides the NCERT hesitation notes to help students understand concepts easily. Vidyakul notes are developed by leading academic experts. In addition, NCERT notes are prepared according to the latest programs.

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Points to Remember

The important points to remember from Class 11 Physics Chapter 14 are as follows:

  • When a body moves back and forth around a fixed point at set intervals of time, it is said to be in oscillatory motion.

  • Frequency is the measure of how many oscillations take place in a second.

  • Some of the critical formulas from the chapters are as follows:

  • Displacement x =A sin(ωt + Φ)

  • Angular Frequency (ω) ω = 2π/T = 2πf

  • Frequency f = 1/T = ω/2π

  • Time Period T = 2π/ω

  • Force (F) = -kx (small elongation x)

  • Acceleration a = -ω2x = -ω2 A sin(ωt + Φ)

  • Potential Energy U = ½ kx2

  • Kinetic Energy K = ½ mω2(A2 – x2)

  • Total Energy E = U+K

Topics and Sub-topics

Chapter 14 of Physics for Year 11 has 10 topics. Therefore, students can refer to the NCERT notes for Grade 11 Physics to clear up doubts about these topics.  Vidyakul provides students with complete NCERT Science Class 11 notes. Additionally, studying the topics covered in Vidyakul for Class 11 Physics will make exam preparation easier.

Students should refer to Vidyakul during the study to understand all concepts. If in doubt during practice, students can refer to the solutions presented on Vidyakul. Here are some of the critical topics covered in Vidyakul for Oscillations:

Section Name

Topic Name






Periodic and oscillatory motions


Simple harmonic motion


Simple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion


Velocity and acceleration in simple harmonic motion


Force law for simple harmonic motion


Energy in simple harmonic motion


Some systems executing Simple Harmonic Motion


Damped simple harmonic motion


Forced oscillations and resonance

Few Important Questions

  • What is the meaning of ‘oscillatory motion’?

A motion repeating itself is referred to as periodic or oscillatory motion.

  • What is ‘resonance’?

Resonance describes the phenomenon of increased amplitude that occurs when the frequency of a periodically applied force is equal to or close to the natural frequency of the system on which it acts.

  • What is ‘acoustic sound’?

Acoustics is the science related to the production, control, transmission, reception, and effects of sound.

 Practice Questions

  1. Which of the following examples represents periodic motion?

    • (a)The return trip of a swimmer when he is completing one trip from the bank of a river to the other

    • (b)The release of a freely hanging bar magnet which has been displaced in N-S direction

    • (c)Rotating a hydrogen molecule about its mass’s center

    • (d)The release of an arrow from a bow

  1. Which of the following examples represent (nearly) simple harmonic motion and which represents periodic but not simple harmonic motion?

    • (a)Earth’s rotation on its axis

    • (b)In U-tube, the oscillating motion of the mercury column

    • (c)When a smoothly curved ball is released from the point which is above the lowermost point, the motion of the ball bearing inside of the ball

    • (d)In a polyatomic molecule, the general vibrations about its equilibrium

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