Microbes in Human Welfare Class 12 Notes | Vidyakul
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Microbes in Human Welfare Class 12 Notes

Microbes in Human Welfare Class 12 Notes

Chapter 10 Microbes in Human Welfare

CBSE NCERT notes for Class 12 Biology Chapter 10 is titled Microbiology in Human Well-being. This is an important chapter that students can score easily. The NCERT Biology Chapter 10 notes in this chapter correspond to the current program.

This chapter covers some important sub-topics that are very easy to learn, such as microbes in households and industrial products. Students are required to complete over 150 subtopic questions to better understand the chapter. This will help students get better grades. It also helps students better understand concepts.


Points to Remember

  • Microbes form an important part of the biological system of the Earth.

  • All microbes may not be pathogenic. Some of the microbes have an important role to play in human welfare.

  • Yoghurt is preserved milk. It is made by the bacterial fermentation of milk.

  • The municipal wastewater and human excreta are referred to as sewage.

  • Biofertilizers contain living organisms.

Topic and Sub-topics

The NCERT notes for Class 12 Biology deal with some of the most important concepts that can be extremely helpful for learning. Since the chapter is completely based on theory, students must ensure that they follow each chapter thoroughly as it will help the students score more marks. Students must consider practicing all questions from Vidyakul that can help them prepare for their exams accordingly.

The NCERT notes for Class 12 Biology Chapter 16 deal with all these important theoretical concepts that can be helpful for the students. Practicing the question from each subtopic will give students the chance to prepare for the exams. Furthermore, the students can also get better clarity in each section which can be helpful in scoring higher marks. To know the chapter in depth, students must refer to all the important materials in Vidyakul notes.

Sr No

Topic Name


Microbes in Household Products


Microbes in Industrial Products


Microbes in Sewage Treatment


Microbes in Production of Biogas


Microbes as Biocontrol Agents


Microbes as Biofertilisers


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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the uses of microbes?

Microorganisms help in the production of many food items, making medicines, keeping the environment clean, manufacturing, and in research.

  • What are the types of microbes?

The major groups of microorganisms: namely bacteria, archaea, fungi (yeasts and molds), algae, protozoa, and viruses.

  • What is ‘Nitrogen fixation?

Nitrogen fixation is the process by which nitrogen is taken from its molecular form in the atmosphere and converted into nitrogen compounds useful for other biochemical processes.

Practice Questions

  • What are microbes?

  • What is fermentation?

  • List out the uses of microorganisms in Agriculture?

  • What is Biogas? Explain how microbes are used in the production of biogas

  • What is sewage? Write the difference between primary and secondary sewage treatment.