General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements Class 12 Notes
Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 6 General Principles and Processes Of Isolation Of Elements Notes – PDF Download
Chapter 6 General Principles and Processes of Isolation Of Elements
Students will need to ensure that they prepare properly for the exams. NCERT notess for Grade 12 Chemistry Chapter 6 can be beneficial for students. It is essential that students refer to the subtopics of the chapter to prepare for the exams. Students should refer to all questions for each subtopic. This will help students prepare for the exams more easily. In the table below, we have provided a full range of subtopics for your convenience.
Points to Remember
Students will need to ensure that they prepare properly for the exams. NCERT notes for Grade 12 Chemistry Chapter 6 can be beneficial for students. Students who are struggling or having difficulty can refer to the videos on Vidyakul to prepare for their exams.
It is essential that students refer to the subtopics of the chapter to prepare for the exams. Students should refer to all questions for each subtopic. This will help students prepare for the exams more easily. In the table below, we have provided a full range of subtopics for your convenience.
The entire scientific and technological process used for the extraction of pure metal from its ore is known as metallurgy.
All minerals are not ores, but all ores are minerals.
Some of the important procedures for the concentration of ores are Hydraulic washing, magnetic separation, froth floatation method, and leaching.
In this process, the roasted or calcined ore is mixed with a suitable quantity of coke or charcoal (which acts as a reducing agent) and is heated to a high temperature above its melting point. During reduction, an additional reagent (flux) is also added to the ore to remove the impurities still present in the ore. The flux combines with the impurities to form a fusible product known as slag.
Certain metals, such as silver and gold, are extracted by dissolving the concentrated ore in some suitable reagent and then recovering the metal from the solution by treatment with some more electropositive metal. Such a process in which metal is recovered from an aqueous solution is referred to as hydrometallurgy.
Topics and Sub-Topics
Students will need to ensure that they prepare for the exams properly. The NCERT notes for Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 6 can be beneficial for the students. It is crucial that the students refer to the subtopics of the chapter to prepare for the exams. It is advisable that the students refer to all the questions for every subtopic. This will make it easier for the students to prepare for the exams. In the table below, we have provided all the subtopics that the students must follow.
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Few Important Questions
What is Metal extraction?
The process of extracting metal ores buried deep underground is called Mining. The metal ores are found in the earth’s crust in varying abundance.
What is ‘Gibbs free energy’?
The Gibbs free energy is the available energy of a substance that can be used in a chemical transformation or reaction.
Which ore is mostly found in India?
Iron ore
Practice Questions
How is nickel refined? Explain the method in detail.
What is matte put in silica lined converter? Why?
If given with two reducing agents viz CO and C which is better for ZnO?
Distinguish between pig iron and cast iron.
What is Column chromatography? Explain
What is Zone refining? Explain in detail.