Class 9th Science Natural resources NCERT Notes CBSE 2023
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Natural Resources Class 9 Notes

Natural Resources Class 9 Notes

Chapter 14 Natural Resources 

Earth is the only place where life exists. Earth's resources are land, water and air. Other resources include fossil fuels, sunlight, wind and minerals. Biological factors refer to organisms in an ecosystem. Air, water and soil form the abiotic or abiotic components of the biosphere.

NCERT notes for Grade 9 Science are ready to help students easily understand all concepts. Natural Resources is an important chapter in the biology section of the 9th grade science curriculum. Vidyakul's academic experts have addressed the questions in this chapter and presented them in an easily understandable way for all students.

These NCERT notes help students complete assignments on time. The notes also helps you quickly review chapters before exams. Students can learn more about energy sources by reading the article.


Points to Remember

Given below are the important points for NCERT notes on Class 9 Science Chapter 14:

Air pollution is caused by the introduction of pollutants, organic molecules, or other unsafe materials into Earth’s atmosphere

Causes: Man-made sources include combustion of fuel, smoke from industries, Burning crackers etc. Natural sources include forest fires, volcanoes, etc.

Effects: Respiratory diseases, Global warming, Acid Rain, etc.

The ozone layer is the thin part of Earth's atmosphere that serves to protect Earth's stratosphere and absorbs most of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The ozone layer has a higher concentration of ozone (O3) than the rest of the atmosphere.

Biogeochemical = Biological Chemical + Geological Process

The circulation and transformation of carbon between living things and the environment is called the Carbon Cycle.

The nitrogen cycle is the recycling and reusing of nitrogen in different forms to meet the demands for various environmental activities.

It is a biological process which helps in maintaining the oxygen level.

Photosynthesis is a biological process used by plants to prepare their food with the help of sunlight and energy.

For more such important points, students can refer to Vidyakul.

Topics and Sub-topics

NCERT notes for Grade 9 Science Chapter 14's overarching topics will help students prepare for the exam. It is recommended that students complete all sections and subtopics. The "Energy Sources" chapter is easy to enter. Once the concepts are clear, students can carefully prepare for the exam. Vidyakul offers a variety of questions for CBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 14. Also, students can get really good grades if they learn the concepts easily.

Before jumping into further details, let us first look into the different sections and sub-sections included in this chapter:

Sr No

Topic Name


The Breath Of Life: Air


The Role Of The Atmosphere In Climate Control


The Movement Of Air: Winds




Air Pollution


Water: A Wonder Liquid


Water Pollution


Mineral Riches In The Soil


Biogeochemical Cycles


The Water-Cycle


The Nitrogen-Cycle


The Carbon-Cycle


The Oxygen-Cycle


Ozone Layer

Few Important Questions

What are the consequences of CFC emission?

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and halons destroy the earth’s protective ozone layer, which shields the earth from harmful ultraviolet (UV-B) rays generated from the sun.

What are the steps in ‘Hydrologic cycle’?

The Hydrologic cycle is the water cycle and it consists of three major processes: evaporation, condensation and precipitation.

What are the uses of humus?

Humus allows water and oxygen to reach and feed plant roots. By allowing excess water to drain, organic material prevents vital nutrients from leaching out of the soil.


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