Bihar Board - Class 12 Biology-Chapter 1: Reproduction in Organisms Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs)
Class-12-Bihar Board Biology" chapter Reproduction in Organisms define a comprehensive understanding of the reproductive processes in various organisms. You can also find a detailed explanations and multiple questions and answers to help students prepare effectively for exams on Vidyakul.
Multiple Choice Questions
1.The period from birth to the natural death of an organism represents- (a) Reproductive phase
(b) Life cycle
(c) Life span
(d) styleLife
Ans. c
2. No individual is immortal except-
(a) Single celled organisms (b) Green plants
(c) Sponges
(d) Drones
Ans. a
3. Find out the correct statement-
(a) Life spans of organisms are necessarily correlated with their sizes
(b) The sizes of crows and parrots are not very different, so their life spans are almost similar
(c) A peepal tree has much shorter life span as compared to a mango tree
d] Reproduction is essential for continuity of species on the earth
Ans. d
4. Find out the organism with highest life span -
(a) Tortoise
(b) Horse
(c) Dog
(d) Fruit fly
Ans. a
5. Lifespan of a tortoise is-
a) 100-150 years
(b) 250 years
(c) 20 years
(d) 1 year
Ans. a
6. "How organisms reproduce-depends upon-
(a) Habitat of organisms
(b) Internal physiology of organisms (c) Genetic makeup
(d) All of the above factors
Ans. d
7. Which of the following is a false statement?
(a) All organisms have evolved similar mechanism to multiply and produce offsprings
(b) Asexual reproduction is uniparental
(c) Sexual reproduction is biparental Individuals of a clone
(d) in asexual reproduction no fertilization occurs
Ans. b
8. Individuals of a clone :
a) Are genetically similar but morphologically different
(b) Are morphologically similar but genetically different (c) Are morphologically and genetically similar
(d) Are genetically and phenotypically different
Ans. b
9. Clone is the product of- (a) Sexual reproduction
(c) Amphimixis
(b) Sexual or asexual reproduction
(d) Asexual reproduction
Ans. a
10. Asexual reproduction is common-
(a) Among single celled organisms only
(b) Among plants only
(c) Among single celled organisms, plants and all animals (d)Among single celled animals, plants and animals with simple organizations
Ans. d
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