Short Answer Question of Biology Chapter 12: Biotechnology and Its Applications
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Bihar Board - Class 12 Biology - Chapter 12: Biotechnology and Its Applications Short Answer Question

BSEB > Class 12 > Important Questions > Biology - Chapter 12: Biotechnology and Its Applications Short Answer Question
Class 12th Bihar Board chapter Biotechnology and Its Applications in Biology explain the genetic modification and its benefits in agriculture, medicine, and environment. Vidyakul provides detailed study material with short-questions-answers to help students understand applications and excel in exams.

Short Answer type

Q.1. What is GMO? How does it differ from a hybrid?

A.1. GMOs are GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISM. These are created by inserting the genes from the DNA of a species with desired characteristics into the genes of an unrelated plant or animal. A hybrid is produced when the pollen of one plant is used to fertilize some unrelated plant species. Also when the animals of two different species breed, a hybrid is formed. On the contrary, GMOs are created by incorporating the genes with desired characteristics from a plant or animal of one species into the DNA of a different species.



Q.2. What is ELISA?

A.2. ELISA stands for Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay. It is a method in which a target antigen is captured in samples using a specific antibody and a target molecule is detected using an enzyme reaction with a substrate.


Q.3. What is Biopiracy?

A.3. Bioparacy is the commercial exploitation of naturally occurring biochemical or genetic material by obtaining patents that restrict its future use without paying any compensation to the native community.


Q.4. Which is the first transgenic cow? Which gene was inserted into it?

A.4. The first transgenic cow was Rosie. The gene inserted was human alpha-lactalbumin.


Q.5. What is GEAC? What are its main objectives?

A.5. GEAC is the Genetic Energy Approval Committee. It is an Indian government organization. Its main objectives are as follows:

  • To examine the validity of genetic modification research.

  • To inspect whether the use of genetically modified crops is safe for public use or not.


Q.6. Why was the second amendment of the country’s patent bill cleared by the Indian Parliament?

A.6. The second amendment to the country’s patent bill was cleared to prevent biopiracy by other countries, i.e., unauthorized exploitation of our bio-resources and traditional knowledge by other countries.


Q.7. What is a patent?

A.7. A patent is a form of intellectual property right that gives its owner the right to exclude others from using and selling their invention for a limited period of time.


Q.8. Explain the principle involved in ELISA.

A.8. In ELISA, the antigen-antibody interactions always use an enzyme-labeled antigen or antibody. The enzyme activity is measured with the help of a calorimeter using a substrate that changes color when modified by the enzyme. After the substrate addition, the light is absorbed by the product formed and is represented in the numeric values.


Q.9. Who was given the first gene therapy? Why does this treatment reoccur in nature?

A.9. The first gene therapy was given to a four-year-old girl, on 14th September 1990, at the NIH Clinical Center. She was suffering from a genetic disorder Adenosine Deaminase deficiency. The treatment is recurrent in nature because the genetically engineered lymphocytes used in the therapy are mortal and need to be administered periodically to the patient.


Q.10. How is foreign DNA introduced into a host maintained by a host and transferred to successive generations?

A.10. A Foreign gene is ligated to a plasmid vector and then incorporated into a host. The plasmid divides and makes several copies of itself along with the foreign gene. As the host organism divides, its progeny also receives the foreign gene.


Q.11. What are antigens and antibodies? Name any two diagnostic kits based on that.

A.11. An antigen is a foreign substance that induces an immune response in the body. An antibody is a large Y-shaped protein produced by the plasma cells that neutralize the effect of pathogens such as bacteria and viruses on the immune system. The two diagnostic kits based on this are:

  • ELISA for HIV

  • Pregnancy test kits

Q.12. Is Bt-cotton resistant to all pests other than lepidopteron, dipterans, and coleopterans?

A.12. Bt cotton contains genes against lepidopteron, dipterans, and coleopterans. But, these genes are not effective against all types of pests that attack Bt-cotton.


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