Bihar Board - Class 12 Biology-Chapter 2: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs)
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Diversity of structures of the inflorescences, flower and floral parts-
(a) Are responsible for making our garden beautiful
(b) Ensure self pollination
(c) Are adaptations to ensure formation of end products of sexual reproduction.
(d) Ensure anemophily
Ans. c
2. Which of the following is false?
(a) Flowers do not exist only for us to be used for our own selfishness
(b) All flowering plants show sexual reproduction
(c) Gymnosperms, being nonflowering, do not show sexual reproduction
(d) Flowers are objects of aesthetic, ornamental, social, religious and cultural value
Ans. c
3. The proximal part of filament of stamen is attached to-
(a) Thalamus or the petal
(b) Sepals or thalamus
(c) Pedicel or petiole
(d) Ovary or ovule
Ans. a
4. Which of the following points is incorrect about sporopollenin?
(a) It is one of the most resistant organic material known
(b) It can withstand high temperature and strong acids and alkali
(c) 2 enzymes that degrade sporopollenin are known so far
(d) Pollen grains are well preserved as fossils because of presence of sporopollenin
Ans. c
5. The inner wall of pollen grain-
(a) Is thin, continuous and pectin cellulose and is called intine
(b) Comes out in the form of pollen tube through germ pore
(c) is thick and consists of sporopollenin
(d) a and b
Ans. d
6. The first division in a pollen grain results in formation of-
(a) a larger vegetative cell and smaller generative cell
(b) a larger generative cell and smaller vegetative cell
(c) 2 equal cells
(d) 4 male gametes
Ans. a
7. angiosperms pollination occurs when pollen grains are in-
(a) 2-celled stage
(b) 3-celled stage
(c) 2 or 3 celled stage
(d) Uninucleate stage
Ans. c
8. In over 60% of angiosperms, pollen grains are shed at-
(a) 2-celled stage
(b) 3-celled stage
(c) 4-celled stage
(d) 1-celled stage
Ans. a
9. Which of the following statements is false?
1. Pollen grains represents immature male gametophyte
II. In angiosperms partially developed male gametophytes are pollinated III. Generative cell is sporogenous while vegetative cell is spermatogenous
IV. Formation and differentiation of pollen grains is called microsporogenesis V Hay fever is a pollen allergy
VI. Pollen grains of some plants produce severe allergy and respiratory or bronchial diseases
VII. Pollen grains are poor in nutrients.
(a) I and VII
(b) III and VII
(c) IV and V
(d) vi and vii
Ans. b
10. Which of the following is correct about Parthenium (Carrot grass)?
(a) Parthenium came into India as a contaminant with imported wheat
(b) It has become ubiquitous in occurrence
(c) It causes pollen allergy
(d) All of the above
Ans. d
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