Bihar Board - Class 12 Biology-Chapter 8: Human Health and Disease Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs)
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Rickets occurs in the absence of -
(a) protein
(b) vitamin
(c) minerals
(d) hormone
2. Personal hygiene means
A. to keep the body clean
B. to keep the surroundings neat and clean
C. regular exercise
D. protein-rich diet
(a) A, B
(b) B, C
(c) A, C, D
(d) A, B, C, D
3. Hormone disease is -
(a) colour blindness
(b) alergy disease
(c) cretinism
(d) haemophilia
4. Bacteria causes -
(a) tetanus
(c) Kala-azar
(d) filaria
5. Disease which occurs due to malfunctioning of organs is
(a) deficiency disease
(b) degenerative disease
(c) allergic disease
(d) hereditary disease.
6. One of the inflammatory reactions induced by histamines is
(a) vasoconstriction of blood vessels
(b) vasodilation of peripheral blood vessels
(c) increased vascular permeability
(d) accelerated blood clotting.
7. Which of the following is a pair of viral diseases?
(a) common cold, AIDS
(b) dysentery, common cold
(c) typhoid, tuberculosis
(d) ringworm, AIDS
8. Which of these is not a cell of the macrophage system?
(a) Kupffer cell
(b) osteoclasts
(c) Langerhans cells
(d) astrocyte
9. Where will you look for the sporozoites of the malarial parasite?
(a) S vary glands of freshly molted female Anopheles mosquito
(b) S va of infected female Anopheles mosquito
(c) Red blood corpuscles of humans suffering from malaria
(d) Spleen of infected humans
10. Hybridomas are result of the fusion of
(a) normal antibody producing cell with myeloma
(b) abnormal antibody producing cell with myeloma
(c) male reproductive cell with myeloma
(d) female reproductive cell with myeloma
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