Bihar Board - Class 12 Biology - Chapter 8: Human Health And Disease Short Answer Question
Class 12th Bihar Board chapter Human Health and Disease in Biology focuses on various diseases, their causes, prevention, and treatment methods, along with immunity and health-related disorders. Vidyakul provides detailed study material and short-questions-answers to help students better understand and prepare for exams.
Q.1. Mention the site in the body where the B-cells and T-cells are formed. Give one difference between them.
A.1. Both the B-cells and T-cells are formed in the bone marrow. They differ in the site of maturation. B-cells mature in the bone marrow whereas the T-cells mature in the thymus.
Q.2.How would a person’s immune system be affected in the absence of the thymus gland?
A.2. T-Lymphocytes in our body mature in the thymus gland. If the thymus gland is removed from the body, T-Lymphocytes will fail to mature causing the immune system to not develop. Thus the person becomes susceptible to most of the diseases.
Q.3. List the preventive barriers that protect the body against microbial bacteria entering the gut through the food consumed. Name the immunity type observed in this case.
A.3. Following are the barriers:
- Lysozyme present in the saliva
- Presence of acid (HCl) in the stomach
- Mucous coating the epithelial lining in the gut
- Innate immunity is observed here.
Q.4. State the significance of mother’s milk to a new-born infant.
A.4. Mother’s milk is considered essential because of the presence of the colostrum which is a yellowish fluid secreted by the mother in the initial days of lactation. It has antibodies(IgA) in abundance which is crucial in protecting the infant from picking up infections.
Q.5. What is interferon? How do they monitor the infection of new cells?
A.5. Virus-infected and tumor cells secrete glycoproteins which protect the non-infected cells from pathogen’s attack, they are known as interferons. Interferons activate macrophages which are natural killer cells, preventing viral replication. They increase antigen presentation to lymphocytes which constantly multiply to eliminate foreign bodies.
Q.6.Why is it recommended to avoid crowded and closed air-conditioned places during changing weather?
A.6. It is because pathogens are most active in moist conditions and favor their growth. One can easily get affected as the body is getting adapted to the fluctuating ambient temperature and humidity making them susceptible to diseases.
Q.7. What is the role of lymph nodes in our immunity response?
A.7. Lymphocytes present in the lymph nodes prevent microbes or antigens from entering through the tissue and lymph fluid by filtering out, disposing and immobilizing pathogens.
Q.8. State why an antibody is represented as H2L2 .
A.8. Antibodies are Y shaped structures with two chains, four peptides- two light chains (L2) and two heavy chains (H2), hence the representation.
Q.9. What does ‘memory’ associated with the immune system mean?
A.9. Our body appears to have a memory of the first encounter it had with a pathogen which stimulated an immune response by generating antibodies. This response is intensified during the secondary response which is elicited by memory T-cells, B-cells which are ready to attack in case the same pathogen reappears in the future.
Q.10.What are Noncommunicable diseases?
A.10.Noncommunicable diseases are also referred to as chronic diseases, which are long-lasting and are caused by inherited genetic abnormalities.
Q.11.What are Deficiency Diseases?
A.11.The group of diseases produced by the deficiency of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and hormones are collectively called deficiency diseases. Kwashiorkor, night blindness, goiter, anemia, diabetes, scurvy are a few examples of deficiency diseases.
Q.12.What are immunity and different types of immunity?
A.12. Immunity is defined as the ability of the body to protect against all types of infectious diseases by defending against disease-causing pathogens like bacteria, virus, fungi and other toxic substances from invading our body. There are two types of immunity:
- Innate Immunity or Natural
- Acquired Immunity
Q.13. Define Antigens and Antibodies.
Antigens–They are the large molecules of proteins and polysaccharides present on the surface of cells. These molecules function by triggering the production of antibodies by inducing an immune response.
Antibodies— These are proteins produced by the immune system, which functions by defending the host against foreign invasion.
Q.14. Elucidate why “Prevention is better than cure”.
A.14. It is because some diseases have the potential to cause extensive damage to the organs or tissues of the body which can affect their functioning capacity. It can induce a permanent debilitating effect not only physically but also mentally affecting one’s psychology. It also incurs an additional financial burden.
Q.15. List three remedial measures to treat microbial infections.
A.15. Following are the preventive measures:
- Avoid being in crowded places
- Consume healthy food, safe drinking and pure air
- Maintaining community as well as personal hygiene through vaccine administration
Q.16. What is the full form of MRI and CT? Where are they used? State the difference between them.
A.16. MRI – Magnetic Resonance Imaging CT – Computed Tomography MRI uses magnetic fields and is a non-invasive technique whereas CT uses X-rays and is an invasive technique. MRI gives a better contrast of softer tissues compared to CT but cannot be used on patients with metal implants and pacemakers. CT provides a 3D and sectional picture of any part or section of the body.
Q.17. Why is the use of cannabinoids prohibited in games and sports?
A.17. It was banned since athletes misused these drugs so as to improve their performances. Cannabinoids can have adverse negative effects on health in the long run that can impede the normal functioning of the organs.
Q.18. What is secondary metabolism?
A.18. It is used to refer to pathways and metabolites produced by metabolism that are not essential for the survival of entities. In plants, metabolites help in the development and growth of plants. It also promotes primary metabolism. It is also known as specialized metabolism
Q.19. Why are diseases like cholera, typhoid, dysentery etc., more common in overcrowded places?
A.19. It is because they are infectious diseases and can communicate from person to person. Water gets mixed with the excreta of infected people thereby contaminating it. Such water, if consumed, causes the infection to spread to non-infected people.
Q.20. Which plant yields cannabinoids? List any two cannabinoids. Name the part of the body that is affected by its consumption.
A.20. Cannabinoids are obtained from the inflorescence of the Cannabis Sativa plant. Some of the cannabinoids are – Marijuana, charas, ganja etc. These substances have the potential to interact with the cannabinoid receptors of the body that are located in the brain. It also affects the cardiovascular system of the body.
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