Bihar Board - Class 12 Chemistry MCQs - Chapter 10: Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
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Bihar Board - Class 12 - Chemistry - Chapter 10: Haloalkanes and Haloarenes Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQs)

BSEB > Class 12 > Important Questions > Chemistry Chapter 10: Haloalkanes and Haloarenes MCQ

The multiple choice questions for Chapter 10: Haloalkanes and Haloarenes of Class 12 Chemistry are provided here in English. These questions are based on the NCERT curriculum for Class 12. They are designed to help students assess their understanding of the key concepts covered in the chapter. These multiple choice questions will be useful not only for the Class 12 board exams but also for entrance exams like NEET. The questions for Bihar Board Class 12 Chemistry, Chapter 10: Haloalkanes and Haloarenes, have been prepared by expert teachers at Vidyakul.

                               Multiple Choice Question

1. Good conductor of electricity and heat is

(A) Anthracite coke
(B) Diamond
(C) Graphite
(D) Charcoal

Answer ⇒ (C) Graphite

2. In which of the following allotropes of carbon, percentage of carbon is maximum ?

(A) Wood charcoal
(B) Coconut charcoal
(C) Graphite
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ (C) Graphite

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3. The hybridisation of carbon in diamond is

(A) sp3
(B) sp2
(c) sp
(D) dsp2

Answer ⇒ (A) sp3

4. Organic compound must contain an element

(A) oxygen
(B) carbon
(C) hydrogen
(D) nitrogen

Answer ⇒ (B) carbon

5. Alkene gives which of the following reactions ?

(A) Addition reaction
(B) Substitution reaction
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒(C) Both (A) and (B)

6. Single bond length between carbon-carbon is

(A) 1.34 Å
(B) 1.20 Å
(C) 1.54 Å
(D) none of these

Answer ⇒ (C) 1.54 Å

7. Valency of carbon is

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4

Answer ⇒ (D) 4

8. Hybridisation of carbon in ethane is

(A) sp3
(B) sp2
(C) sp
(D) sp3d2

Answer ⇒ (A) sp3

9. Arrange the following alkyl halides in order of dehydrohalogenation

C2H5I , C2H5Cl , C2H5Br , C2H5F 

(A) C2H5F >C2H5Cl>C2H5Br >C2H5I
(B) C2H5I >C2H5Br >C2H5Cl >C2H5F
(C) C2H5I >C2H5Cl> C2H5Cl>C2H5F
(D) C2H5F  >C2H5I >C2H5Br>C2H5Cl

Answer ⇒ (B) C2H5I >C2H5Br >C2H5Cl >C2H5F

10. Tertiary alkyl halides are practically inert to substitution by SN2 mechanism because

(A) the carbocation formed is unstable
(B) there is steric hindrance
(C) there is inductive effect
(D) the rate of reaction is faster in SN2  mechanism

Answer ⇒ (B)there is steric hindrance

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