Bihar Board - Class 12 Chemistry MCQs -Chapter 11: Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
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Bihar Board - Class 12 - Chemistry - Chapter 11: Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQs)

BSEB > Class 12 > Important Questions > Chemistry Chapter 11: Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers MCQ

The multiple choice questions for Chapter 11: Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers of Class 12 Chemistry are provided here in English. These questions are based on the NCERT curriculum for Class 12. They are designed to help students assess their understanding of the key concepts covered in the chapter. These multiple choice questions will be useful not only for the Class 12 board exams but also for entrance exams like NEET. The questions for Bihar Board Class 12 Chemistry, Chapter 11: Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers, have been prepared by expert teachers at Vidyakul.


                       Multiple Choice Question

1. Which of the following cannot be made by using Williamson Synthesis:

(A) Methoxybenzene

(B) Benzyl p-nitrophenyl ether

(C) tert. butyl methyl ether

(D) Ditert. butyl ether

Answer: (D) Ditert. butyl ether

2. Phenol reacts with Br2 in CS2 at low temperature to give

(A) o-Bromophenol

(B) o-and p-bromophenols

(C) p-Bromophenol

(D) 2 , 4 ,6 Tribromophenol

Answer : (B) o-and p-bromophenols

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3. In CH3 CH2 OH , the bond that undergoes heterolytic change most readily is

(A) C-C

(B) C-O

(C) C-H

(D) O-H

Answer : (D) O-H

4. The compound which gives the most stable carbonium ion on dehydration is


(B) (CH3)3COH



Answer : (B) (CH3)3COH

5. 1-Propanol and 2-propanol can be best distinguished by

(A) Oxidation with KMnO4 followed by a reaction with the Fehling solution?

(B) Oxidation with acidic dichromate followed by reaction with Fehling solution.

(C) Oxidation by heating with copper followed by reaction with Fehling solution.

(D) Oxidation with con. H2SO4 followed by a reaction with the Fehling solution.

Answer: (C) Oxidation by heating with copper followed by reaction with Fehling solution.

6. Among the following compounds, strongest acid is

(A) H-C=C-H

(B) C6H6

(C) C2H6


Answer: (D) CH3OH

7. The conversion of trialkyl borane to an alcohol does not require which of the following?

(A) Sodium hydroxide

(B) Water

(C) Diborane

(D) Hydrogen peroxide

8. Which of the following compounds is formed when secondary alcohols are oxidised by [O]?

(A) Ether

(B) Aldehyde

(C) Ketone

(D) Amine

Answer: (C) Ketone

9. The Lucas test was carried out on three different compounds: A,B and C. Compounds A and B were turbid at ambient temperature, while compound C did not become turbid until it was heated. Which one of the compounds is tertiary in structure?

(A) A

(B) Cannot be determined

(C) C

(D) A and B

Answer: (B) Cannot be determined

10. To get carboxylic acids directly from alcohol, which of the following oxidizing agents is used?

(A) Alkaline KMnO4

(B) Aqueous KMnO4

(C) Acidified KMnO4

(D) Anhydrous CrO3

Answer: (C) Acidified KMnO4

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