Short Answer Question of Chemistry Chapter 12: Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
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Bihar Board - Class 12 Chemistry - Chapter 12: Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids Short Answer Question

BSEB > Class 12 > Important Questions > Chemistry Chapter 12: Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids short answer questions

Short Question Answer

Question. 1. What is absolute alcohol ? How is it obtained ?

Answer. Absolute alcohol is 100 % alcohol. It is obtained by azeotropic distillation of mixture of alcohol and water.

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Question.2. Classify the following as primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols :

Answer . (i) Primary,

(ii) Primary,

(iii) Primary,

(iv) Secondary

(v) Secondary

(vi) Tertiary

Question.3. Name the following compounds according to IUPAC system :

Answer . (i) 4-Chloro-3-ethyl-2-(1-methylethyl)-butan-1-ol

(ii) 2 , 5-Dimethyl hexane-1,3-diol.

(iii) 3-Bromocyclohexanol

(iv) Hex-1-en-3-ol.

(v) 2-Bromo-3-methyl but-2-en-1-ol

Question. 4. Write structures of the products of the following reactions :

Question.5. How is urotropine obtained from formaldehyde? Write its chemical name and structural formula.

Answer: When formaldehyde is treated with ammonia, urotropine is formed. Its chemical name is hexamethylene tetra ammine or hex ammine.

6HCHO + 4NH3(CH2)6N4+6H2O


Question 6.Write a short note on Tollen’s reagent.


What is Tollen’s reagent? Write its reaction with acetaldehyde.

Answer: Tollen’s Reagent:

Ammoniacal silver nitrate solution is known as Tollen’s reagent. When Tollen’s reagent is heated with aldehyde, aldehyde reduces Ag+ to Ag and forms a bright silver mirror on the wall.

RCHO +2[Ag(NH3)2]+ +3OH - RCOO- +2Ag +4NH3+2H2O

                                                                       Silver mirror 

Question 7. Why is the boiling point of carboxylic acid higher than alcohols having the same molecular mass?

Answer: Carboxylic acid exists as a dimer due to the hydrogen bond. These bonds are stronger in acids compared to alcohols, therefore the boiling point of carboxylic acid is higher than alcohol.

Question 8. Explain Fehling reaction with an equation.

Answer: Fehling Reaction:

Sodium, Potassium tartrate associated with alkaline CuSO4 is known as the Fehling solution. When aldehyde is heated with Fehling solution, then aldehyde is oxidised and red precipitate of cuprous oxide is obtained. This is known as the Fehling test.

H +2Cu2+ + 5OH- RCOO- + Cu2O +3H2O

                                                                             Red ppt.

Question 9. Why is the boiling point of ketone a little higher than its corresponding isomeric aldehyde?

Answer: Ketones are comparatively more polar than their corresponding isomeric aldehyde because the >C=O the group in ketone is linked with two electron releasing alkyl group. Thus, the dipole attractive force of ketone is comparatively higher. This is the reason that the boiling point of ketone is comparatively higher than its corresponding isomeric aldehyde.

Question 10. Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of their boiling points :




This order can be predicted on the basis of intermolecular force operating between them, these having comparable molecular mass. CH3CH2OHundergoes the strongest H- bonding. In CH3OCH3 and CH3CHO dipole – dipole attraction is more in CH3CHO, since CH3CHO is more polar than CH3OCH3 therefore its boiling point is more than CH3-O-CH3 . Propane being non – polar therefore, weak van der Waals’ forces exist between them.

Question 11. 1.What is Hell – Volhard – Zelinsky (HVZ) reaction?

2. What happens when formic acid is heated?


1. Hell – Volhard – Zelinsky Reaction:

When carboxylic acid is treated with Cl2 or Br2 in presence of phosphorus, - halogenated carboxylic acid is formed. This reaction is known as Hell – Volhard – Zelinsky reaction (HVZ)

2. When formic acid is heated to 160C it dissociates into CO and H2O.


Question 12. Although phenoxide ions have more resonating structures than carboxylate ion, carboxylic acid is a stronger acid than phenol. Why? 


In carboxylate ion negative charge is delocalised over two oxygen atoms which are highly electronegative whereas in phenoxide ion, negative charge is delocalised over only one oxygen atom. Carboxylate ion is more stable than phenoxide ion that is why carboxylic acid is more acidic than phenols.

Question 13.  1.Write a short note on Perkin’s reaction.

2.What happens when acetone is heated with H2SO4?


1. Perkin’s reaction:

When aromatic aldehyde is heated in presence of sodium salt of aliphatic acid with anhydride of aliphatic acid, then , unsaturated acid is obtained.


                                                             Cinnamic Acid

2. In presence of H2SO4 three molecules of acetone get condensed and form mesitylene.

Question 14.1.What is the relation between an electron donating group and acidic character?

2. How do carboxylic acids maintain their acid character?


1. Electron donating groups decrease the acid character.

2. Carboxylic acid decomposes to give proton and carboxylate ions and is stabilized by resonance. This explains the acidic character of carboxylic acid.

Question 15. Give a chemical test to distinguish between each of the following pair of organic compounds.

Propanal and Propanol

Propanone and Propanal


1. Propanal is an aldehyde and it gives a silver mirror with Tollens’ reagent while propanol is an alcohol and will not answer Tollens Test.

2. Propanone gives yellow precipitate of iodoform on reaction with I2 and NaOH while propanal does not give iodoform tests. OR Propanal gives silver mirror with Tollens’ reagent while propanone does not give silver mirror test.

Question 16. What happens when primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols are passed over red hot copper? Give equations.


1 alcohol hot copper Aldehyde

2  alcohol over hot copper – Ketone

3  alcohol over hot copper- alkene

Question 17. A student is given Tollens’ reagent for oxidation of aldehyde.

  1. What is Tollens’ reagent?
  2. Can you help him to do the experiment?
  3. What is the result of the experiment?


  1. Tollens’ reagent is ammoniacal silver nitrate solution
  2. Yes. To a little of the solution and Tollens’ reagent
  3. A black precipitate of silver or silver mirror is obtained

Question 18. Distinguish between formaldehyde & acetaldehyde.




1. It gives Cannizzaro a reaction.

1. It doesn’t give Cannizzaro a reaction.

2. It doesn’t give aldol condensation.

2. It gives aldol condensation.

3. It gives condensation products with NH3.

3. It gives addition products with NH3.


Question 19. Which is more acidic, 2-chloro propanoic acid or 3-chloro propanoicacid? Why?

Answer: 2-chloro propanoic acid. Because the electron with drawing -Cl group is more closer to -COOH group in this compound

Question 20. Predict the product and name the reaction:

1. HCHO + NaOH B + C


Answer: 1. CH3OH +HCOONa – Cannizzaro reaction

2. CH3COOCH3-Esterification

Question 21. An organic compound with molecular formula C9H10O forms 2 , 4-DNP derivative, reduces Tollens’reagent and undergoes Cannizzaro reaction. On vigorous oxidation, it gives 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid. Identify the compound.


From the given data it is clear that as the compound forms 2 , 4-DNP derivative it has /CO group. Since it reduces Tollens’ reagent therefore the -CHO the group is present. As it can also undergo Cannizzaro reaction therefore -hydrogen is absent

The oxidation product suggests that the compound has a benzene ring. One of the -COOH groups has been obtained by the oxidation of -CHO group and the other from the alkyl group. Hence on these basis, the structure of C9H10O is

Question 22. Distinguish the following compounds using any one test.


Answer: CH3COCH3 gives an Iodoform test which CH3CHO does not answer.

Question 23. Aspirin is commonly used in medicine. How is it prepared? Give the equation.


Aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid. When salicylic acid is treated with acetyl chloride, aspirin is obtained.

Salicylic acid + acetyl chloride → Aspirin

Question 24. How will you prepare CH3-CO-NH2 and CH3COOCH3 from CH3COOH?




Question 25. Give a test to distinguish between acetaldehyde and acetone.


CH3-CO-CH3 contains CH3CO- group and hence it gives an iodoform test.

CH3-CH2-CHO does not give an iodoform test.