Bihar Board - Class 12 - Chemistry - Chapter 6: General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQs)
The multiple choice questions for Chapter 6: General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements of Class 12 Chemistry are provided here in English. These questions are based on the NCERT curriculum for Class 12. They are designed to help students assess their understanding of the key concepts covered in the chapter. These multiple choice questions will be useful not only for the Class 12 board exams but also for entrance exams like NEET. The questions for Bihar Board Class 12 Chemistry, Chapter 6: General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements, have been prepared by expert teachers at Vidyakul.
Multiple Choice Question
1. Which of the following examples is not correctly matched ?(a) Two most abundant elements-Fe , Al
(b) Two metals which occur in native state-Au , Pt
(c) Two metals which can occur in combined and native state both-Zn , Fe
(d) None of these
Answer: (c) Two metals which can occur in combined and native state both-Zn , Fe
2. Which of the following is not the correct name of the formula of the ore given with it ?
(a) MgSO4 . 7H2O – Epsom salt
(b) CuCO3.Cu(OH)2 – Malachite
(c) KAISi3O8-Feldspar
(d) MgCl2.6H2O – Dolomite
Answer: (d) MgCl2.6H2O – Dolomite
3. In which of the following the name of the ore is not matched with its formula ?
(a) Cassiterite -SnO2
(b) Limonite-FeCO3.3H2O
(c) Siderite-FeCO3
(d) Anglesite-PbCO3
Answer: (d) Anglesite -PbCO3
4. Pyrolusite is …..
(a) a sulfide ore of Mn
(b) an oxide ore of Mn
(c) a carbide ore of P
(d) a chloride ore of Zn
Answer: (d) a chloride ore of Zn
5. Which of the following is magnetite ?
(a) Fe2CO3
(b) Fe2O3
(c) Fe3O4
(d) Fe2O3.3H2O
Answer: (c) Fe3O4
6. Which of the following is not an ore of magnesium ?
(a) Camalite
(b) Magnesite
(c) Dolomite
(d) Gypsum
Answer: (d) Gypsum
7. Which one of the following is not a sulfide ore ?
(a) Galena
(b) Iron pyrites
(c) Magnetite
(d) Copper glance
Answer: (c) Magnetite
8. Which of the following is a halide ore ?
(a) Cassiterite
(b) Anglesite
(c) Siderite
(d) Carnallite
Answer: (d) Carnallite
9. Which of the following is not a carbonate ore ?
a) Dolomite
(b) Calamine
(c) Siderite
(d) Zincite
Answer: (d) Zincite
10. Find the incorrect match.
(a) Kaolinite -[Al2(OH)4 Si2O5]
(b) Siderite -Fe2O3
(c) Sphalerite -ZnS
(d) Magnetite -Fe3O4
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