Bihar Board - Class 12 - Chemistry - Chapter 8: d- and f-Block Elements Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQs)
The multiple choice questions for Chapter 8: d- and f-Block Elements of Class 12 Chemistry are provided here in English. These questions are based on the NCERT curriculum for Class 12. They are designed to help students assess their understanding of the key concepts covered in the chapter. These multiple choice questions will be useful not only for the Class 12 board exams but also for entrance exams like NEET. The questions for Bihar Board Class 12 Chemistry, Chapter 8: d- and f-Block Elements, have been prepared by expert teachers at Vidyakul.
Multiple Choice Question
1. Which forms interstitial compounds?
(A) Fe
(B) CO
(C) Ni
(D) All
Answer: (D) All
2. Most abundant element in earth’s crust is
(A) Si
(B) Al
(C) Zn
(D) Fe
Answer ⇒ (B) Al
3. Which one of the following is called green vitriol ?
(A) FeSO4.7H2O
(B) CuSO4.5H2O
(C) CaSO4.2H2O
(D) None of these
Answer ⇒ (A)FeSO4.7H2O
4. Oxidation number of gold metal is
(A) +1
(B) 0
(C) -1
(D) all of these
Answer ⇒ (A)+1
5. Shape of d-orbital is
(A) spherical
(B) dumb bell
(C) double dumb bell
(D) none of these
Answer ⇒ (C) double dumb bell
6. Who is colorless in water.
(A) Ti3+
(B) V3+
(C) Cr3+
(D) Sc3+
Answer ⇒ (D) Sc3+
7. If KMnO is reduced by oxalic acid in acidic medium. Then the oxidation state of Mn changes:
(A) +4 से+2
(B) +6 से+4
(C) +7 से+2
(D) +7 से+4
Answer ⇒(C) +7 से+2
8. Which of the following is a highly corrosive salt?
(A) FeCl2
(B) PbCl2
(C) Hg2Cl2
(D) HgCl2
Answer ⇒ (D) HgCl2
9. Which of the following forms a colorless solution in aqueous medium?
(A) V3+
(B) Cr3+
(C) Ti3+
(D) Se3+
Answer ⇒ (D) Se3+
10. The shape of s-orbital is
(A) spherical
(B) Dumbbell
(C) Double Dumbbell
(D) none of these
Answer ⇒ (A) Spherical
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