Bihar Board - Class 12 Physics - Chapter 14: Semiconductor Electronics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
For Class 12 Bihar Board, the chapter Semiconductor Electronics in Physics covers the basics of semiconductors, including diodes, transistors, and their applications in electronic circuits. You can find multiple-choice questions that help in mastering these topics and preparing effectively for exams on Vidyakul.
Multiple Choice Question
1. In the case of semiconductors, the forbidden energy gap between valence band and conduction band is nearly?
(A) 2ev
(B) 2.5ev
(C) 3ev
(D) 1ev
Answer: (C) 1ev
2. The relation between number of free electrons (n) in a semiconductor and temperature (T) is given by:
(A) n ∝ T
(B) n ∝ T2
(C) n ∝ √T
(D) n ∝ T32
Answer: (D) n ∝ T32.
3. The ionization energy for the pentavalent excess electrons in case of germanium is:
(A) 10.00 eV
(B) 1.0 eV
(C) 0.0105 eV
(D) 0.001 eV
Answer: (C) 0.0105 eV
4. When a semiconductor is heated, its resistance:
(A) decreases
(B) increases
(C) remains unchanged
(D) nothing is definite.
Answer: (A) decreases
5. The energy band gap is maximum in:
(A) Metals
(B) Superconductors
(C) Insulators
(D) Semiconductors.
Answer: (C) Insulators
6. Zener diode is used for:
(A) Amplification
(B) Rectification
(C) Stabilization
(D) All of them.
Answer: (C) Stabilization
7. PN junction is:
(A) ohmic resistance
(B) non-ohmic resistance
(C) negative resistance
(D) positive resistance.
Answer: (B) non-ohmic resistance
8. The depletion region of PN junction has a thickness of the order of:
(A) 10-12m
(B) 10-6 m
(C) 1 mm
(D) 1 cm.
Answer: (B) 10-6 m
9. The current gain value of common base configuration is _______.
(A) greater than 20
(B) 10
(C) less than unity
(D) 20
Answer: (C) less than unity
10. Majority charge carriers in p-type semiconductor are:
(A) Holes
(B) Electrons
(C) Holes and electrons
(D) None of these.
Answer: (A) Holes
11. Boron is added as impurity to silicon, the resultant semiconductor is:
(A) n-type semiconductor
(B) p-type semiconductor
(C) n-type conductor
(D) None of these.
Answer: (B) p-type semiconductor
12. Depletion layer consists of:
(A) electrons
(B) immobile ions
(C) mobile ions
(D) Both A and B.
Answer: (B) immobile ions
13. A n-type semiconductor is:
(A) Neutral
(B) Negatively charged
(C) Positively charged
(D) None of these.
Answer: (A) Neutral
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