Bihar Board-Physics - Chapter 5: Magnetism and Matter NCERT Books
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Bihar Board Class 12 Physics : Chapter 5: Magnetism and Matter NCERT Books

BSEB > Class 12 > NCERT Books > Physics - Chapter 5: Magnetism and Matter NCERT Books

In the fifth chapter "Magnetism and Matter" of the Bihar Board's physics textbook, students gain an understanding of the important principles of magnetism and matter. This chapter provides essential knowledge for the study of magnetism and matter, which is a crucial part of their physics studies.

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Chapter's Main Topics:

  • What is Magnetism? - The initial part of this chapter provides students with an understanding of the basic principles of magnetism. Students understand what magnetism is and its significance.
  • Types of Magnetism - In this section, students learn about the different types of magnetism. Here, they gain knowledge about its various types and their characteristics.
  • Magnetic Effects - In this chapter, students are given detailed information about magnetic effects. Here, they understand it in more depth and see examples of its applications.
  • What is Matter? - In this section, students gain an understanding of the basic principles of matter. They learn what matter is and its significance.
  • Types of Matter - In this chapter, students learn about the different types of matter. Here, they understand it in more detail and see examples of it.
  • Properties of Matter - In this section, students gain information about the various properties of matter. They learn about the examples of the properties of matter and their applications.

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Through this chapter, students not only understand the important principles of magnetism and matter but also learn their applications. This chapter makes students aware of this crucial aspect of physical science and helps them gain more self-awareness in this subject.