- Bihar Board Class 11: Handwritten Notes for Physics
- Bihar Board Class 11: Handwritten Notes for Chemistry
- Bihar Board Class 11: Handwritten Notes for Biology
- Bihar Board Class 11: Handwritten Notes for Mathematics
- Bihar Board Class 11: Handwritten Notes for English
- Bihar Board Class 11: Handwritten Notes for Hindi
Bihar Board Class 11: Handwritten Notes for Physics
Bihar Board Class 11: Handwritten Notes for Chemistry
Bihar Board Class 12: Handwritten Notes for Biology
Bihar Board Class 12: Handwritten Notes for Mathematics
Chapter Number | Chapter Name |
1 | Sets |
2 | Relations and Functions |
3 | Trigonometric Functions |
4 | Principle of Mathematical Induction |
5 | Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations |
6 | Linear Inequalities |
7 | Permutations and Combinations |
8 | Binomial Theorem |
9 | Sequences and Series |
10 | Straight Lines |
11 | Conic Sections |
12 | Introduction to Three-dimensional Geometry |
13 | Limits and Derivatives |
14 | Mathematical Reasoning |
15 | Statistics |
16 | Probability |
Bihar Board Class 12: Handwritten Notes for English
Hornbill - Prose
Hornbill - Poetry
Bihar Board Class 12: Handwritten Notes for Hindi
Prose Section
Chapter Number | Chapter Name |
1 | पूस की रात |
2 | कविता की परख |
3 | आँखो देखा गदर |
4 | बेजोड गायिका: लता मंगेशकर |
5 | चलचित्र |
6 | मेरी वियतनाम यात्रा |
7 | सिक्का बदल गया |
8 | उतरी स्वप्न परी : हरी क्रांति |
9 | एक दीक्षांत भाषण |
10 | सूर्य |
11 | भोगे हुए दिन |
12 | गाँव के बच्चो की शिक्षा |
poetry section
Chapter Number | Chapter Name |
1 | पद - गुरुनानक |
2 | पद - रसखान |
3 | पद - घनानंद |
4 | पद - प्रेमघन |
5 | भारत-दुर्दशा |
6 | झंकार |
7 | तोडती पत्थर |
8 | बहुत दिनो के बाद |
9 | गालिब |
10 | जगरनाथ |
11 | पृथ्वी |
12 |
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